Howard The Motivational Poet Simon

Howard The Motivational Poet Simon Poems

The low lands call
I am tempted to answer
They are offering me a free dwelling
Without having to conquer

Pounds of pain punctured my progress
Tons of trouble terminated my tranquility
Swarms of stress subtracted my substance
My heart exploded like a thousand thunders

An ocean swims in every tear drop
A river rejoices in every drop of rain
A thunder talks in every heart beat
The wind laughs in every breath



I saw some rocks
Skipping down hill
They jumped so joyfully
It gave me a thrill

A week?
A day?
An hour?
Time enough

Irresponsibility has been an enemy to me
I am not even close to where I should be
I find myself drifting like a log on the sea
Oh Mr. Responsibility hear my desperate plea

Who will dance with the wind now that you're really gone?
Who will catch the sun's rays on the hot summer morn?

Who will slow down the gust when it's out of control?

The sun got out of bed
Swam across the ocean
Just to shine on you today

Once I saw some boys
Outside a gate
They had come to school
But they were very late

Flying like an eagle
Every day of my life
Not like a chicken
Just to avoid strife

Mountains for my mansion
The forest for my pantry
The clouds for my carpet
The sky for my curtains

My heart like a desert
My tears like a river
Shifting sands of sadness
My whole body shivers

Penetrates the wonderful womb of wisdom
Ordained to inspire hope and re-script destiny
Enlightens to minus the miasma of the masses
Trained for titillation and tutored for titivation


Exiled on the isle of passion and shackled in the prison of craving.
Bottled up emotion - screaming and shouting and searching for an escape.
Like a dehydrated deer tracking water -Like a desert hunting an oasis.
Deluge of flames enrapture my being with the fervor of a thousand fire.


Biology invigorated by Chemistry and empowered by Geography
infuses us with a plethora of poignant sensations, embraced by
thevelvet of tenderness and clasped in the arms of monogamy.
My heart is made of metal and yours, my virtuous bride, of magnet.

Delivered from darkness
A great lover of the light
Rising extremely early
working with all my might

Death you are going to die
You have ravished our hearts and compelled us to cry
Death you are going to die
You have strangled our loved ones and made us ask why

Clad with garments of dignity
Perfumed with ethical sensitivity
Quintessential queen of quality
Regal consort of my ecstasy

Lord grant me
The assurance of Abraham
The meekness of Moses
The strength of Samson

The Best Poem Of Howard The Motivational Poet Simon

~ I Choose The Mountain~

The low lands call
I am tempted to answer
They are offering me a free dwelling
Without having to conquer

The massive mountain makes its move
Beckoning me to ascend
A much more difficult path
To get up the slippery bend

I cannot choose both
I have a choice to make
I must be wise
This will determine my fate

I choose, I choose the mountain
With all its stress and strain
Because only by climbing
Can I rise above the plain

I choose the mountain
And I will never stop climbing
I choose the mountain
And I shall forever be ascending

I choose the mountain

Howard The Motivational Poet Simon Comments

Lyn Paul 26 May 2015

Howard you are an inspiration to us all and your incredible words feed warmth to so many. You have a true gift.

60 17 Reply
Nosheen Irfan 20 January 2016

Howard, your poetry is going to inspire and motivate generations to come. Your poems are well-crafted. They are symmetrical and rhythmic. And they carry a message of positivity and hope.

57 16 Reply

excellent poems. you are great in explaining your feels. i invite you to read my poem

51 19 Reply
Godfrey Morris 22 January 2014

I am a true fan of your work. I do admire your style of writing. It would be a great pleasure for you to visit my page for a critique of my poems.

50 16 Reply
Akhtar Jawad 06 January 2016

With due apology to others, it's my choice and my preference, I think Howard Simon is the greatest living poet at

52 13 Reply
Gibran Ibrahim Mansaray S 28 December 2020

He is a great poet.

11 0 Reply
Bharati Nayak 13 June 2020

Howard Simon is a poet of high caliber a great human being.His poems are most inspiring and a valuable treasure for world literature.Anyone who has read Howard Simon will certainly agree with me.

11 0 Reply
Rose Marie Juan-austin 09 February 2020

His comments on poems of other Poets are highly motivational and inspiring. Poem Hunter is truly blessed by his presence.

17 1 Reply
Rose Marie Juan-austin 09 February 2020

HOWARD SIMON is a great and brilliant Poet. His beautiful poems speak of his greatness.

17 0 Reply
Rajendran Muthiah 26 January 2020

Excellent decision of the poet! Robert Frost chose the already trodden path in plains. But here the poet has to choose between ascending and descending on the hills. The poet' s nature is always to ascend, go ahead and not to descend or look back. He wants to test his strength by choosing the tough task. Excellent!

8 0 Reply

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