Mandela - The Immortal Icon Poem by Chinedu Dike

Mandela - The Immortal Icon

Rating: 4.4

The Peace Warrior Of Mzansi, among heroes - a colossus!
Sun Of The Nation; a rare gift of Providence.
Once, entangled in the web of racist succubus;
Unruffled he declares before High Justice:
'[I]t is an ideal for which I am prepared to die! ' Silence -
Pregnant with dreadful menace in court ensued.
A beast of burden consequent of unshakeable stance.
In the slammer Symbol Of The Struggle he attained;
But Apartheid demon persisted in its Treachery.
'Coalition Of Conscience' inspired outcry for Liberty;
Plagues of sanctions shatter manacles of Slavery.
Looming on the horizon - a sight of Equality.
From abyss of darkness emerged the Institution;
The Immortal Icon and mastermind of Rainbow Nation.

This compact synopsis of Dr Nelson Madiba Mandela is a story about his journey from The Rivonia Trial (where he was charged with Treason: an offence carrying the death penalty by Hanging) to Freedom and Democracy.

He was after much... sentenced to life imprisonment with hard labour.

The piece is a poetic portrait of the cosmopolitan statesman, whose enigmatic radiance of love was tested far beyond the experience flesh has to endure. 

It is a soulful tale about the great icon of peaceful resistance, whom upon his release from prison after serving for 27 years, was overwhelmingly elected as the first President of a democratic South Africa.

May his wonderful and gentle soul continue to rest in the Bosom Of Almighty God.

Mzansi is another name for South Africa - an affectionate name.

Mandela - The Immortal Icon
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: freedom,liberty,nelson mandela,slavery
Asit Kumar Sanyal 14 September 2014

This is a great poem. You have exquisite vocabulary for beautifying your poem. I am a fan of Nelson Mandela. A big salute to him.

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Oluwatosin Thomas 21 March 2019

What a world of creativity, where thoughts and ideas are expressed only through pen. Truly the pen is mightier than a sword. This is well structured, nice work.

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Chinedu Dike 21 March 2019

Hi Tomisin, thanks a million times for your beautiful comment. Remain enriched.

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Guido Blokland 11 April 2019

Mandela was an inspiration and an icon of hope to many.

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Chinedu Dike 12 April 2019

Hi Guido, thanks for your beautiful comment. remain blessed.

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Ananya N 12 January 2023

Mandela was indeed a rare gift of providence and you've beautifully captured his spirit in this poem😍

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 05 January 2023

President Nelson Mandela dedicated his life to fighting equality. His accomplishments must be put to heart and mind. Revisiting this timeless poem.

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Dr Dillip K Swain 03 January 2023

Sun of the nation; a rare gift of Providence....I love, adore and respect this noble man who has left footprints for the mankind to be followed suit. Your great effort to sketch his portrait will be praised forever. Happy new 2023 my friend Chinedu!

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VITUS OKECHUKWU 05 December 2022

You sure have the right word and the right pattern to live with and for. You are indeed a poetry champion.

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Chinedu Dike

Chinedu Dike

Enugwu-Ukwu, Anambra State; Nigeria.
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