Suicide's Note Poem by Langston Hughes

Suicide's Note

Rating: 4.1

The calm,
Cool face of the river
Asked me for a kiss.

Suicide's Note
Diane Rastider 03 February 2010

i dont like this poem very much i dont like how it is suicide

26 137 Reply
Suindu De 02 October 2023

The lines are suppossingly remembrance after suicide, may be the simultaneity if the lady wearing a cloth with tired eyes of mid 40s view, the utmist divulge to the sound of beeeze beside river, calming means to her a stoppage of vibrant mind which enables her to a different state, thus.

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Josh Mattingly 04 April 2012

I eat suicide for breakfast

65 82 Reply
Tylar Kennamer 27 April 2015

i killed myself because of this poem thank you langston hughes

61 69 Reply
clyde 16 April 2021

me to

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Alora Birdwhistle 04 October 2023

This reminds me of how much i wanted to die as a child.....

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Hebert Logerie 03 September 2023

About Langston Hughes' Suicide Note My intention is not to offer an exegesis We can all remember the kiss of Judas Which of course was a death sentence The twelve words of Langston Hughes remind me...Poet Hebert Logerie

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James Timothy Jarrett 16 April 2023

Very succint. Well done

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Kara W 03 April 2023

Short but meaningful.

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Rhonda Cotsell 06 January 2023


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