Red Audienza

Red Audienza Poems

A woman's dauntless spirit,
that radiates within her.
The fierceness in her eyes,
That makes her a lady in disguise.

Red Audienza Biography

A queen)

The Best Poem Of Red Audienza

Woman: The Lady In Disguise

A woman's dauntless spirit,
that radiates within her.
The fierceness in her eyes,
That makes her a lady in disguise.
She's a student in the morning,
A poet in the night.
The glow when she smiles,
That makes her worthwhile.
Her laugh is irresistible,
That makes her approachable.
Her face tells the whole story,
that no one can copy.
When the sun is coming,
Her beauty is captivating.
The lady in disguise,
A woman who gave rise.

Red Audienza Comments

Red Audienza Quotes

'The heart remembers what the mind forgets, but the soul transcends what the world rejects.' - Red

'Love is a flame that burns bright, but sometimes it leaves us in the dark.'-Red

'Time may heal the wounds, but not the scars in our souls.' -Red

'Love is a gift, but sometimes it comes with a price.' -Red

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