Luke Easter

Luke Easter Poems

A strong woman works out every day,
Pride in her appearance she portrays,
But a woman of strength kneels to pray,
Her soul in shape, God leading the way.

Praise God! Yes! He's the only 1 who is truly Awesome,
Hell No! Satan is simply not all that powerful and great,
What kind of lord and master gets locked in a bottomless bit?
Especially without his own key to unlock the gate?

Finally, it’s time to go,
All day I’ve pushed peddles with my feet,
I’ll hurry to the bus stop,
Being sure to get a good seat.

I am a bird flying free with my thoughts,
Form my nesting tree I gallantly fought,
Every sinister wing and feather flown,
That tried to endanger my happy home.

So, you are smoking, drinking & doing drugs,
'That is right and I should not because'?
Our bodies are a Temple, to the Sanctuary of Christ,
They are only on loan due to His sacrifice.

Would you ever want to reach the paradise of praise?
Surely from each breath is the great sincerity of ways,
Goodness and Charity, the seeds that are loving sown,
Faith and patience so carefully harvested when grown.

Mathematics! 1 Cross + 3 Nails = 4 Given,
So, what is the total sum your life has been liven?
Do you add and multiply only the Christian good?
Dividing or subtracting wrongs to the brotherhood?

Walked into a sanctuary office, the place had a layer of dust,
Do you think Jesus smiles at this or looks on with disgust?
A spot left unclean will soon become a permanent stain,
Doubt the word of God to long and unbelief will remain.

Do you know who your father is?
I know mine, I am a Child Of The King!
My Father is unlimited in His abilities,
Readily equipped to do any and everything.

The information highway,
Travels at the speed of sound,
Anything you need to know,
Leaps in a single bound.

Fasting is not what you wanted to hear me say,
However, sometimes it is the only way,
One person’s treasure is another’s trash,
They didn’t need to but you’ll have to fast.

The red skies engulf clouds under the bay,
Stealthy silence sweeps the current away,
Islands, harbor, creeks, shoals and rocks,
They entice, hypnotize, reversing the clock.

Do I remember at the age of 6 watching Mr. Ed the talking horse?
Thursday’s after school and did I believe he could talk, of course,
Cartoons and the Little Rascals so I never had time for the news,
The Three Stooges, Mickey, Daffy and Mighty shaped my views.

In your mind be strong if physically weak,
Under all circumstances continue to seek,
I’m a Disciple and very proud to proclaim,
Yes! Eternally blessed by His holy name.

Dearest the Lord thy God,
I come to You on bended knee,
Giving praise, honor and glory,
And whatever else pleases Thee.

Are there currently trials and tribulations in your life?
Where as you’re going through a real hard time right?
You’ve prayed and asked in the name of Jesus Christ,
Chaos is still there smack dab in the middle of the fight.

Just when I think I’m finished writing,
There’s movement from the spirit within,
As I sit down in front of the computer,
Still another new poem begins.

Amazingly the Eagle has unofficially landed on Wednesday12/02/2009,
An accident early Thanksgiving Day clipped Tiger’s wings in his prime,
What is it that brought down this bird flying above the stars set on high?
Well, lets just say that even in a Cadillac SUV, Eagles should not drive.

What happened to Trayvon Martin shouldn’t happen to any 1,
And yet, this killing is not the worse thing that has been done,
Weekend before George Zimmerman’s not guilty of any & all,
51 Black on Black gunshots 40 wounded 11 would fatally fall.

There is a move in this country to keep guns out of schools,
And yet our Founding Fathers found it to be a rightful tool,
The Pledge of Allegiance is removed which instilled pride,
We banned the bible but sexuality, students need not hide?

The Best Poem Of Luke Easter

A Strong Woman Vs. A Woman Of Strength

A strong woman works out every day,
Pride in her appearance she portrays,
But a woman of strength kneels to pray,
Her soul in shape, God leading the way.

A strong woman claims she isn't afraid of anything,
Looking forward to challenges each day will bring,
Women of strength show courage in the midst of fear,
Declaring triumph through faith because God is near.

Strong women won't let anyone get the best of them,
So skilled in defenses even if they have to pretend,
Yet a woman of strength gives her best to everyone,
And even on a cloud filled day still bright as the sun.

A strong woman relies on the physical attributes making her tough,
In her search for power and money she will never have enough,
A woman of strength understands that it's not about material stuff,
Knowing that before becoming a diamond first she'll be in the rough.

A strong woman sometimes disguises her feelings shadowed by clouds,
Unhinged when challenged on her policy becoming boisterous and loud,
A woman of strength concerns herself not with judgment from others,
And will not let business interfere with commitments as a wife and mother.

A strong woman is easily impatient back and forth she will begin to pace,
Counting on her holier than thou attitude instead of depending on faith,
A woman of strength is assured trust in God will always carry her through,
And at the Creator's appointed time she'll receive all that is justly due.

A strong woman makes mistakes and avoids the same for tomorrow,
Refusing to take time looking back with reverence and Godly sorrow,
The woman of strength realizes life's mistakes no matter how slim,
While thanking God for the blessings as she capitalizes on them.

A strong woman walks head first with no doubt in her mind,
No matter what, she'll not make this mistake a second time,
But a woman of strength knows God will catch her when she falls,
So when a situation arises again, she's not afraid to answer the call.

A strong woman wears the look of confidence on her face,
Always doing whatever it takes to finish, seeking only first place,
The woman of strength competes with an emotional sense of grace,
Understanding it's more important to run a Holy Spirit filled race.

A strong woman has faith that for the journey she'll have enough,
No matter how uneven the terrain or roads being rocky and rough,
A woman of strength knows it's in the journey she will become strong,
And the love of God is forever with her, no matter how difficult or long.

A strong woman when uninformed thinks that she is being mistreated,
In the end her physical attributes fail causing doubt to become seeded,
A woman of strength will compromise as a little give and take is needed,
Why? Because a lesson not learned the first time is soon to be repeated.

Ladies start everyday on your knees with supplication & prayer,
Trust and believe that God will always get you from here to there,
And should your giant steps seem to be moving only inch by inch,
The journey is not as A Strong Woman but A Woman Of Strength.

Realize his-story is not the preverbal or only meaning of the word history,
Read the poem titled, 'Women Preachers & Pastors In The Ministry? '
This male chauvinistic attitude's deceitfully titled, 'The Same Old Song, '
No wonder society thinks a woman can't compete & this is totally wrong.

Difference between farther & further,1 is distance,1 is to understand,
Where Motherhood is instinctive however it has to be learned by man,
A woman carries a life form up to & maybe more than 9 months long,
Man can't stand to be with a crying for baby 2 hours and he is strong?

It is thousands of years later, man still cries, 'first the woman was deceived, '
As Adam looked at God and said, 'it was that woman you gave me' oh Eve?
It always happens that when things go wrong we are quick to pass the blame?
Sin didn't manifest till Adam ate the fruit as well but he put it on Eve's name.

Every woman is a catalyst for any little girl to become the same,
So the question is what will be the consequences from her name?
Strong relays an outward appearance yet under pressure it cracks,
And only through strength will she be able to withstand the attack.

Girls beware, because the road traveled is both winding and long,
And for this very reason you will surely have to more than strong,
This should inform you that an arduous trek is measured in length,
The main reason it takes intestinal fortitude only found in strength.

Now for an excellent example relaying exactly what we mean,
The United States Marine Corps, 'Female Engagement Team, '
Women in Afghanistan not in rear support yet on the front line,
Not so much physically strong as through strength in the mind.

Isn't it amazing disciples from miraculous powers were big and strong,
Peter cut off a servant's ear but denied Christ 3 times it didn't last long,
Yet two Mary's and Salome the weaker sex faithfully stood by at length,
Face to face with adversity you will only pass through fire with strength.

Blacks sat in the back of the bus for years although it was wrong,
Now imagine how many men complied who were big and Strong,
But, it was a female, Rosa Parks, who would not budge one inch,
Yet another example of what it means for women to have Strength.

Certain things capture your eye but pursue only those that capture the heart,
Although an, 'Ancient Indian Proverb' yet Solomon gave the verse its start,
Likewise, don't seek after frivols material things that only make you Strong,
For Strength is the seed of eternal roots to remain even after you're gone.

The association of motherhood is something truly unique,
And only through inner Strength can you reach your peak,
As the Strongest will tire from repetitions they must repeat,
Because the latter without proper rest is destined to be weak.

Imagine how tough women have to be not just bearing and raising their child,
While at the same time many have to control their spouse from running wild,
A single or married mom with a tight knit family that's united for any length,
Not so much from a Strong Woman as it is through, 'A Woman Of Strength.'

With all the aforementioned qualifications it is a mystery,
Why many believe women should not preach in the ministry,
Birth, feed, raise, clothe and impact men with knowledge,
Of a multitude of wisdom they'll never receive in college.

This poetic tribute is a, 'Shout-Out' to any woman everywhere,
Seemingly impossible circumstances faced head on the scare,
By the armor of faith fear of the unknown shall not make a dent,
They are withstanding not by outward Strong but inner Strength.

w/Dee Cheeks

Luke Easter Comments

Prince Obed de la Cruz 17 February 2010

Mr. Luke helped me to revise some of my poems and i say, he's a great poet!

2 9 Reply
Godfrey Morris 10 June 2012

Mr Luke Easter you are truly a great and gifted poem. You revision of my poem The Memory Lives was immaculate. Thanks much for sharing

0 4 Reply
T. R. Robinson 12 April 2019

Hello Mr. Lucas, your poem, A Strong Woman vs. A Woman of Strength is a very powerful poem and I would like permission to use it in the book I will be publishing soon about women in the bible. Please let me know if you will grant me permission to use it at

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Joan Cranford 03 March 2019

The poem A Strong Woman vs A Woman of Strength says it all. I would like to use this poem in a book I am writing. Please let me know if you will grant me permission to cite your poem. Thank you.

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Betty 10 January 2021

Love your poem on tithing, Luke! You hit the nail on the head!

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Allen Kates 08 July 2019

Hi Luke. Did you write: " A strong woman knows she has strength enough for the journey, but a woman of strength knows it is in the journey where she will become strong." It is a wonderful saying. Would you give me permission to use it in a book I'm writing about an 11 year old girl who had a double lung transplant? I would include information about you and your book on Amazon. Thank you. Allen Kates

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