saadat tahir

saadat tahir Poems

”Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
of sun-split clouds, -and done a hundred things

I know that I love you, my dear, yes!
Oh you name! …Lord thee bless!

works with the infirm, comes home late,

…done as a sequel to my poem…"spring on crutches"

From fated gashes gurgle streams
Snatch carmine rags from the seams

Together we are, everything and all.
Not destined to sulk, by the wayside fall.

Or sit all alone.

Invented themes neat and nifty.
Shone as a star from five to fifty.

Enigma rolled in a twisted quiz.

On Hepatitis Day..approaching!

There he is, a very sick man.
Taut his face and a darkish tan.

Unguarded word, befriended bird.
Weighted fell by thrice or third.
Dusty grind, millers churn.
Pummel ears, murmurs burn.

Daughters are in ways proverbial gypsies.
Content an playful in their itsy bitsys.

The skip, the hop,

El Niño and desertification…

Broken land has long since died,
clouds now for years have lied.

August 23- International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and Its Abolition.

Weighty bell's departing peel.
Rip ocean's heart keenest keel.

A pagoda reflects accusing fingers at the sea.
As the rafted deck snakes out far to be.

A distant castle floats in the delirious mist.

Beleaguered past rued in rushes
Hopped to stops at some gushes
Sparkled swank vague tomorrows
Fertile buds withered to harrows

International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression,4 June

Furtively search for the hook.
Each side carefully must I look.

Words that danced distant screens.
Morphed in days to tender dreams.
Whence they bloomed, barren rooms.
Verdant lines now sterile seams.

Walking tall in a visage of bold.
Gloom, age rolls in empty days.
Raked dust, blows hot and cold.

Pair of warmest, shiny, amber eyes.
See through deceit and alluring lies.

Fairest damsel in rank and file.

Ringed in a circle of compassion,
Sipped from the pond of dedication,

Values of core at school attended.

In far off old forgotten days.
On the trail of ponderous ways.
Took to bed and flew away.
A journey vivid to this day.

Silence broken by a hushed converse
Breaking news of comma's reverse

Alien aura of tubes and stands

Tinged with yellow the gravid cloud
Cracks with gusto, reflects her proud
Puffed up, highlighted villain stands
Holding out his outstretched hands

saadat tahir Biography

Born and bred in Pakistan; Aquarian …a medical doctor by profession-postgraduate qualifications in Radiology. My hobbies includes indoor plants, interiors and woodwork… and making friends.... :) I am a diehard audiophile. I consider myself a wide eyed student…ready to listen learn and improve. I loved poetry when I was at school, started writing decades back while at cadet high continued through to King Edward Medical College. I had been writing poetry but I never published. Freedom from bondage in all forms and colours, Love and universal brotherhood are my cherished values. I am an incorrigible romanticist, I love music… instrumentals especially My influences are Allamama Sir Mohammad Iqbal with whom I share my birth place., Asadullah Khan Ghalib, Ahmad Faraz, & Faiz Ahmed Faiz in urdu verse. Edgar Allan Poe, Pope, Shakespeare. Somerset Maugham, Franz Kafka, Alberto Moravia and the classical Russian literati are my favourite poets/authors. I enjoy and read other poetry/prose as well. Random Ideas: Beyond Understanding…Life Is Cruel but beautiful and wholesome too. I believe…That ultimately beauty and satisfaction resides in love and truth. Reality however stark painful and tortuous is the template upon which one can build an edifice and measure the purity of discourse. The imaginative the surreal and the archaic, I feel, too stem from this very basic rule. This is mother earth with all its rainbows shams tangibles successes failures and the myriad drudgeries; we cannot escape those but for a few moments in our mind…bring it out in ideas and words…that is the poets canvas…that is were romantics and realists converge to weave and knit fabrics to clothe life and existence…I am proud to be among that select class… to do my bit as best as I can. As we zip through our lives and observe the reality unfold…we tend to dress it in ideas and words…we come closer to nature. The closer we come to nature - the more we are filled with peace and inner satisfaction. I am logged in to learn and express. I find Poem Hunter a very useful site for poets of all shades hues ages and expertise levels…from a smattering of places across the world; knit in the world of poetic expression that transcends geographic ethnic and religious barriers.. a truly utopian and global community. It is doubly encouraging for those voices, like mine, that would never have reached beyond themselves or their drawing rooms... I write my mind...I'm not an expert poet just someone who likes to read and write...if your poem is good people will surely read it like it and praise it. All my Poems are original works and ideas and are subject to copyright Saadat Tahir 2009 copying of any of my work will be pursued under the relevant legal clauses of laws against plagiarism and all copyright laws…national and international. I took some ideas from our colleague Fiona Davidson…whose permission I sought and got. I thank her now! To poetry then!)

The Best Poem Of saadat tahir

High Flight….The Last Roll Over! (On Sad Demise Of Father)

”Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
of sun-split clouds, -and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of-wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there,
I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air....
Up, up the long, delirious, burning blue
I've topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace
Where never lark nor even eagle flew-
And, while with silent lifting mind I've trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space, ”
I raced and touched the shadows of Grace.

Source adapted from: ….
http: //, _Jr.
• Portions of this poem appear on many headstones in Arlington National Cemetery.
• Today it serves as the official poem of the Royal Canadian Air Force and Royal Air Force and it is required to be recited by memory by first-year cadets at the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) where it is also depicted in its Field House.
Cadet Bashir Ali Khan…30th April 1922…17th July 2009

(The Gentlemen Cadets who opted to go to Pakistan, left the Academy on the night of 14 October 1947. The first two generations of the officers of the Pakistan Armed Forces are products of the Indian Military Academy. (RIAF) (Dheradun)
http: //

Later opted for Air force ….got his RPAF (Royal Pakistani Air Force)
wings(I have it stashed with me) …later yet PAF. ₪ Flying the so called temperamental tempests the fury’s and the spitfires…
……..several pages cut……to be posted later with proper references

He was a very loving father an exemplary husband and a very humble person always referring to himself as a soldier or a peasant. Living a life of almost ascetic simplicity. I miss him bitterly!

May he rest in peace, his abode be heaven and be blessed with the bounties of GOD! ...Aameen

18 July,2009

saadat tahir Comments

Zaarah Jasmin 30 June 2012

I rated on your profile your a great poet! ! :)

8 1 Reply
Sarah Loeb 10 June 2012

I'm so glad you commented on my work because it led me to your's. I'll be enjoying your poems for a long while. Your writing is so intense! -a true thrill to read! -Sarah Loeb

6 1 Reply
Josephine Lauderrdale 05 June 2012

Earth Wind and Fire inspires my art (when I do it paint etc etc) so moving to connect with someone so very far away yet so very we all are.....and that is a primary quest of mine to see it feel it contribute to it and live it that which is in all of us but seems to tickle the mind of the poet I think I am not alone in expressing that the poet has been knocking at my door for a long time but life got in the way and now i have time to question if there were some words I was put here to say you too////

5 1 Reply
Shazia Rose 08 January 2012

I really like your poetry, the ease, flare and fluidity of language reflects your deep interest in literature. i enjoyed reading your work.

5 0 Reply
Sam Varghis 16 September 2011

Doctor Saab, I read some of your poems. I like the style and flow. Meanwhile I request you to read and comment on my new write, 'Dearly loved, do you hear me? ', Thanks, Sam

4 0 Reply
Nadia Umber Lodhi 16 September 2018

Good poet unique ideas 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

2 0 Reply
Yasmin Khan 17 April 2013

I have read a lot of poems by Saadat Tahir and in the light of all those this autobiography feels an honest and realistic self-appraisal. What is surprising about Saadat is that being a science student he could peruse poetry so ardently.He manipulates his imagination and God-gifted abilities to write poetry that serves as a catharsis for every sensitive heart. According to his own words in his poems we find a romanticist and a realist converging to knit fabric of poesy to clothe life and existence in a dainty attire. We can find poems from love, wives, daughters to society and parks and gardens- from abstract to material on almost all topics and versatile themes. His perfect rhymes give the poetry a lyrical quality. I must admit here that I learnt the choice of diction through reading his poems. I have read some other recognized Pakistani poets in English like Shahid Hussain, Taufiq Raffat and Zulfiqar Ghos. I honestly feel that Saadat Tahir is another one on this list in Pakistan. I wish him all the best in life and progress in poetry. About the poets of my country: I could never have dreamt that there were such goings-on in the world between the covers of books, such sandstorms and ice blasts of words, , , such staggering peace, such enormous laughter, such and so many blinding bright lights, , , splashing all over the pages in a million bits and pieces all of which were words, words, words, and each of which were alive forever in its own delight and glory and oddity and light. Art of Poetry by Dylan Thomas

4 1 Reply
The Reader 12 December 2012

We all knew it! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! -------- that this tour will bring a renaissance within you-for the revival of the poet inside with new saps and buds --the three new poems are descriptive enough to give us a glimpse of the historical cities by your eyes and the strong associative images you used in your peculiar diction! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Tuscan Rhapsody is simply wonderful----- looking forward for more------- :)

6 0 Reply
Unwritten Soul 08 September 2012

You walk with words like a waltz in the sky, shining the stars is when you hit the words perfectly, talent yes you got it..wise mind yes you have it, and emotion...can we see it? so i can say you are born with a gift underneath your fingers to pick words nicely in poetry even when you write sometimes are a very strong person, stubborn cousin, and can be funny-teaser, a mixture of a unique person. You have more to do in life, i am sure the happiness know the address of your heart to mail some bright in the future, so dont worry about things, we shall pray you all the best and May God protect you and bless your family too, keep writing and let free yourself to speak for universe and the creatures inside, include coconut hahaha_Unwritten Soul

6 0 Reply
Susan Eltone 07 August 2012

Cockbusters; Saadat your poem takes some unusual twist and turns, you have a delicate measure of expression. Stay in touch, Eltone

7 1 Reply

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