Saju Abraham

Saju Abraham Poems

There's a corner in my soul that I call my own,
That I turn to when I'm faced with hamlet's dilemma,
That signals when I'm at the crossroads,
That leads me by hand when I'm lost.

Why did you tear me off you,
When you knew I’d die without you?
I promised you peaceful sleep,
But you wouldn't hear me.

He was writing his sermon.
He'd locked his room.
He wanted none to break his thoughts.
No one would ever disturb him.

His camouflage struck me the most,
As he lay with his face down,
In a river of murky water,
Murkier by his blood.

Wormy Ghanty had gone by his mama Ghanty's script,
prove to them the real Indian Ghanty;
the parivar couldn't believe its luck;
here's our own Ghanty who can take on the godfather ghanty.

I held your bloodied face in my hands,
Placed it in my bosom,
First time I found peace with you.

He'd sit on that quiet cold concrete chair
In the playful park,
Would leave when the last child left,
Sipped constantly from the bottle in his pocket,

Is life being born?
Is it going to school?
Is it having friends?
Is it being in love?

Ten year old two feet monster head;
a fifteen year old with his tongue
popping out of his mouth;
A thirty year old woman,


Mountains always stay distant,
may be the ego in their height.
Oceans always seem so lonely,
may be from its depth and vastness.

She was agony personified,
Wrinkled blackened skin,
Broken teeth and knotted hair,
A baggage of pain on her shoulders,

It’s a cruel cold world
You and I shrugged aside
You don’t sing their tune
You don’t fit the garb

It was a time we were young,
love was fleeting glances,
a chance touch that left us breathless,
warm letters and sweaters for winter,

It was a time we were full of life.
I recall our take on death.
I was one of the parish pallbearers.
Pallbearers then was a paid service;


Rain drops fell on sand
And scattered like beads of pearls
Off a laced garland

In the womb mother's diet of everything,
Food, gods, manners, music;
Infancy they spoon feed everything,
Even your sleep is decided for you,

A kiss on the forehead
Triggers the trip down ecstasy lane

The two become the sculptor and the sculpture

Even as you garner points after points
Your opponent draws a blank
Wouldn't your conscience spare him a point?
Then what of the Invincible?

Days of dictators are counted
They are sweating under their attire
Paying the price for denying freedom
People are prepared for any price

For an hour of disciplined session
A young mind you rape
And his thoughts you cripple
It’s your rights versus their lives

Saju Abraham Biography

Born into a a family of eight, had a very tough childhood. At the age of 15, left home to become a missionary in the north east of India. That's when I first tried my hand at poetry. After my graduation, I realized the 'call' to missionary work wasn't real and immediately left and began my life as a commoner. In 1989 I began to work as a teacher in Shillong, Meghalaya, India. In 1991 I met my wife, Sandra and married her in 1992. In 1993 I got my first son, Jordan and in 1997 my second son, Richard came along. All these years I wrote poetry whenever I found time and had many of them published in local newspapers and magazines. In 1999 I left India for Oman to work under the Ministry of Education. That's where I am now. Oman has seen my poetic talents sharpen.)

The Best Poem Of Saju Abraham

A Corner In My Soul

There's a corner in my soul that I call my own,
That I turn to when I'm faced with hamlet's dilemma,
That signals when I'm at the crossroads,
That leads me by hand when I'm lost.

There's a corner in my soul that's my very own,
That lifts me up when I'm down,
That rushes in solace when sorrow strikes,
That soaks up my tears when I need to cry.

There's this hidden corner in my soul,
That gives me breathing space when life sucks,
That gives me company when lonely,
That's always by my side rain or shine.

There's a corner in my soul that I call my own,
That introverts and lets me bask in glory,
That never robs me of those rare moments of joy.
That let me be me.

Saju Abraham Comments

kaycee 07 October 2020

When is your brithday? needed for presentation at class

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Marian 14 September 2018

Saju abraham

2 0 Reply
Maria Luisa Villaluna 23 August 2017

Hi, I sent a list of questions to you, Sir Saju. I hope you could read them! God bless

4 0 Reply
Abhay Vignesh L 08 March 2011

Most of your poems are impressive...Keep up the good work

3 1 Reply

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