Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti Poems

I have one lovely woman in my life, but we have a marriage of three.
The life long bond of our marriage is my wife, Jesus Christ, and me.

This is not simply a well known cliché, a phrase, or a simple token,

Two emotions deep down inside, are those of humility and pride,
They produce what men may see, in the life of both you and me.
A haughty spirit can sure reside, in a heart that’s filled with pride.
A humble spirit is in you and me, when you’re filled with humility.

Being nibbled on by The Spirit, through God’s Word, as you hear it,
Chipping away at the great divide, which has been built deep inside.
Removing the veil upon the heart, which hinders Truth Christ departs,
The only truth that sets men free, from the lies that bind you and me.

When you cleave onto God’s Word, the Truth of God that you heard,
And choose to follow Jesus Christ, allowing God’s Word into your life,
You then become a disciple of, The Lord and Savior and God above.
Only in Christ, are men truly free, with a freedom that spans Eternity.

The Lord has taken a vessel like me, and shaped it for an eternity.
An empty, cracked vessel like this, He has filled with Eternal Bliss.
All my sin, Christ has set apart, as God began a work in my heart.
He cleansed me first of all my sin, then He started a change within.

Love is one identifying mark that sets Believers and others apart.
Men will know us from others when we have love one for another.
Love covers a multitude of sin, when you have Christ’s love within.
It was Christ’s love on the cross that covered the sins of the lost.

On the scene came Christ The Lord, not with peace but with a sword.
The sword was The Word of Truth, and to many it became a reproof.
To many hearts Truth would come, to acknowledge God’s Only Son.
But many just wouldn’t believe, and The Truth they would not receive.

For unto us a child was born, and unto us The Son was given.
Through The Son I am reborn, and by His blood I am forgiven.
On a cross of shame and scorn, His life for all was freely given.
Many hearts indeed were torn, as the temple curtain was riven.

Rushing by with one weary heart; this is how many have their start,
Every day starts a hectic pace, in a life in need of a calming Grace.
A Grace that sets your heart at rest, when the day is one long test.
Grace with a peace that is assured, sent to all who know The Lord.

Be prepared in and out of season, to give all men a heartfelt reason,
For all the peace you have within, through the hope you have in Him.
The Hope we have in Jesus Christ, the sure hope of an Eternal Life,
An Eternal Life with Christ our Lord, in Heaven with Him forevermore.

We are told to behold The Lamb, sent to the earth by the great I Am,
To behold the very Lamb of God, who will soon rule with an iron rod.
He was the Lamb not many knew, was sent to earth for me and you,
The One who left a Glorious Throne, only to be rejected by His own.

Today The Church can rise above, through God’s power and His Love.
She can rise up to the task at hand, and for The Lord can take a stand.
My friend, even in the darkest nights, we can rise up to greater heights.
For we can rise up in Christ’s Victory, as we march forward to Eternity.

After your long and weary search, have you found the perfect church?
A simple church ruled by men; the perfect church you can’t condemn.
Or do they all appear the same, just another building with His Name?
And once inside you’re not sure, if you feel the presence of The Lord.

It was God’s Grace that I received, on that day when I believed.
Today it’s God’s Mercy that I need, and on this very day indeed.
I need God to intervene for me, so His hand of Grace I may see.
To see His hand in my life today, while working in a special way.

You set your mind and your heart, on your goal right from the start.
You then begin to plan a course, consulting every available source.
As you plan for hopes and needs, you also plant a few extra seeds,
Placing just a few irons in the fire, and this plan’s for a future desire.

God is Faithful and God is Just, God is someone you can trust.
When in a trial simply be still, as God works out His Perfect Will.
He is God and from the start, He’s working to prepare your heart.
When you are tried, you will see, God is molding you for Eternity.

There is no God these men contend, no one who reigns above all men.
No one has created you and me, the big bang created all that we see.
There’s no one who’s sitting in authority, over all the lands and the sea.
And there is no God who sits above us, one in whom you say you trust.

You have some time alone my friend, a time alone you can spend,
A time of quiet contemplation, alone with the God of your salvation.
Time between just the two of you, to speak of things you need to do,
Things in life that must be done, where you need to lean on the Son.

The Savior who died in our stead, now has risen from the dead,
The Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, from that grave to New Life,
Those who saw Him could rejoice, praising God with one voice,
In light that He now has risen, Eternal Life to us, God has given.

It will be unmatched by anything, the coming majesty of our King,
Fully unmatched and unsurpassed; a majesty that will forever last.
His Majesty, witnessed by a few, whom The Lord personally knew,
The Majesty of God’s Only Son, appearing on Earth for everyone.

Bob Gotti Biography

I grew up around Religion and lived without a true knowledge of God, Jesus Christ, or The Bible for the first 29 years of my life, although I believed I was a Christian. It wasn't until my wife (who was saved, but, never grew in the Word) started to witness to me, about 3 years after we were married, that I picked up a Bible for the first time in my life and was miraculously saved after reading the Gospel of John. I have been a Christian since the spring of 1986 and use April 1st as my Spiritual Birthday, to remind myself that The Lord Graciously reached down and saved a fool like me. I don't consider myself a poet, as my poems come right of of my prayers to God, usually on my way to work, after I had a small conflict at home or my heart is just welled up with concern. I hope that all of the Praise goes to God and that He can simply use my small talent (which came from Him) in a bigger way to either be a Blessing to all of my fellow brethren, or draw unbelievers into His Wonderful Light. My first poem was on Visitation, which is very dear to my heart, and after posting it on, I continued to use the 20 line format to post on their site. With this one poem published, I was moved to continue to post the poems that I truly thank God for, as I am not a poet by trade, and give all the Glory to Him. My thoughts at this point go to a beautiful song, by Nancy Steinman, where one of the verses she says 'Even my Praise comes from You', as she is singing to The Lord. I just thank The Lord for guiding me and pray that my poems can move people closer to The Soon Coming Kingdom. In His Love, Bob Gotti)

The Best Poem Of Bob Gotti

A Cord Of Three Strands

I have one lovely woman in my life, but we have a marriage of three.
The life long bond of our marriage is my wife, Jesus Christ, and me.

This is not simply a well known cliché, a phrase, or a simple token,
For Solomon said that a cord of three strands is not easily broken.

And when I include in my life, my two sons, I have a family of five,
For in the center is Jesus Christ who helps my entire family thrive.

The church that we attend is not just men and women under a steeple,
For the power we derive from Jesus Christ makes us a special people.

Even when I find myself alone, the number present will always be two,
For the Lord Himself promised me, I will never leave or forsake you.

If you acknowledge The Lord in all you do, He will direct your path,
So believe in The Lord my friend and you can enjoy His Eternal math.

David said Your Word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path,
For he knew the presence of God would deliver him from man's wrath.

You can have assurance of a new freedom in Christ without exemption,
For when He begins a work, He continues, till the day of redemption.

I am assured that Christ has put me on the one and only narrow path,
And when this age of Grace is over, I will be spared from His Wrath.

My friend, as the end draws near don't be filled with fear or strife,
For God is clear, if you draw near, He will grant you Eternal Life.

Copyright © 12/2002

Bob Gotti Comments

Nathan Streango 23 July 2008

I have read a few of your poems and I am impressed. The subject matter is something that any religious person will of course love, but what I was drawn to was the rhyme schemes that you use. Plus the fact that you have over 800 poems. My favorite poems though are when you dont use your most common format, since in my opinion a subject such as God shouldn't really be constrained to five stanzas, but should be whatever emotion is upon your heart at the time. God Bless.

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Cecelia Warner 26 April 2007

Bob, Thank God for people like you that God can use as His vessel. Thank you for blessing us with ' Life At It's Best '. Lots of things going on in everyones life and we ALL need God. Love and respect to you and your wife.Please continue to listen to God... you will never truly know who may be listening...I thank you again!

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Melvina Germain 10 August 2006

Truer words were never spoken Bob, thankyou so much for writing this fantastic poem.. I hope many read and pay close attention to your wonderful words. God is King, there is no one else before him. I will speak of him all the days of my life and will do my best to teach those that ignore him. Thankyou and God bless you. Melvina

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Theodora Onken 30 December 2005

You always get a ten from me unconditionally just because of the subject matter. I love Him very much, too!

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Angela Hansard 15 August 2005

Hey Bob: I would like to thank you for writing about Our Lord And Savior, Jesus Christ. Also for writing about Our Heavenly Father. God Bless You and do not let these people discourage you. There needs to be more like you. I gave up on posting on this site. It is clear these people do not appreciate poetry when they read it. All it has gotten to be is a bunch of backstabbing and who can say the worst to the other. When I started out it seemed to be a good site. But when I read where someone was using others poems as their own that done me with it. It is quite clear of the ones that is critizing you are bound for Hell, for they seem not to know the Lord as their Savior. All you can do is tell them about Christ and it is up to them to accept him. Keep up the great work.

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Danny McLellan 08 August 2019

I wanted to get permission to use this poem in my church bulletin Sunday as I will be preaching the subject of being salt and light from Matthew 5: 13-16. Of course I will give proper credit to you as its author.

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John Yunker 10 October 2018

Thank you. You are very talanted and blessed.

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Sj Holland 28 June 2013

I like what you said in your biography about wanting to help other into The Soon Coming Kingdom through your writing. I see that you really believe Revelation. Also your story is like so many Christians. They found God, through Jesus Christ, for themselves and found a whole new world that they never knew existed, though they grew up in religion. God continue to bless your pen, and your heart.

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Katherine Hunter 05 January 2013

Very. prolific. writer... Score! Found a modern writer that's quite good, and there's still people who believe in God and LIKE him.

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Cynthia Buhain-baello 16 February 2012

You have God-given talent for writing poetry and it is a blessing to read your work.

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