Nyein Way(Maung Maung Thein)

Nyein Way(Maung Maung Thein) Poems

''good morning '' has eleven alphabets.
''good bye'' has seben alphabet.
altogether eoghteen alphabets.
life is in-between, having four alphabets.

of peace is peace.

leo tolstoy is being alive, looking at post-pop street arts flying in universe of poem.
war and peace in mind war and peace in ocean war and peace in paddybfield war andbpeace in skin-deep tatoos war and peace in songs war and peace in cinema war and peace in theatre war and peace in zen drawing war and peace in human condition war and peace in paintings war and peace in abstract words war and peace in deconstrctive concepts of reality war and peace in layered identities war and peace in identity loss war and peace in identity crisis war and peace in no identity war and peace in lovers war amd peace in thought of truth condition war and peace in smiles war and peace in cries war and peace in screams war and peace in rats in darkness war andbpeace in spelling mistakes war and peace in birth, aging, diseases and deaths war and peace in nature war and oeace in civilizational seismics war and peace in psychgeological moves war and peace in impermanence of life war and peace in nothingness war and peace in having meals war and peace in silent monologue war and peace in leo tolstoy's novel.
war and peace in ant 's dream.
leo tolstoy is in silence of thnightingale's. cool-littlel eyes.


though hands of poetry stops.
mind is a laboratory of quotidian poetry in moment of flash-insight of reality-voyage with layered beings of poems both intot silence and into motion.

who wrote it?
people and sailors and living water alive with of resilience of wisdomin sea and ocean

who wrote it?
person of living with honesty, truth, simplicitu, high energy of spirit of resilience for human compassion and love and faith

creatove and observatory laboratory of life, aesyhetic wisdom and resilience wisdom out of human conditions in a trajectory of becomingness-beingness-and-impermanence truth condition.
life-nature-culture lab.

unique education of heart:
2.loving kindness
3.creative-supportive collaborativebquality of goodwill

poems are limited infinity of ocenic jump-start for meaning-meaninglessness spave for exploring humanity in layers of quotidian experiences both in reality and surreality of beings.
limited vocaburaries..lumited sounds.
limited time.
limited space.

be calm like an earthern rabbit.
pottery of ups and downs, of forwards and backwards, of the thebfree and restricted, of silence and voice and finally of something and nothing.
be calm like an earthern rabbit!

poem beyond my scope of understanding is shown that there is a thing ''more-than-I-know-map of insightful concept of understanding.

intelligence is the eyes of wings.
love is the constructive structure of wing.
beauty is the acts of wing.
nature is the methods of flight by wing.

station(one) :

autobiographical flying owl, light and darkness triology has been. theatricalized into mythical audience of perfectionist's illusion on night and dawn.

if there are (8) days a week,
there are sign of (+၃၄+) as collaborative lucky silence of light in comet.

garden of colourful flowers
just garden of colourful flowers.

sound and voice and noise as it is coming to touch your eardrum from outside and from your own breaths
hear as it is in a relaxed state of mind.no names.no concept.no thought.
it's smoething like you are sitting beside a river and river is flowing water.you are flowing water of no name.fluxus of nowness.changing. stillness in mind.

of breaths.

timeless silence out of breath of timing and time

narrative truths
after postmodernism
S-treet graffiti poetry

Nyein Way(Maung Maung Thein) Biography

a poet, multi-disciplinary artist, post-conceptual, post-contemporary, research-based poetics of theorectical poetry in the 21st century's multi-cultural phenomena and experimental writer/a text-based artist and educator, who knows the staggering gaps in the zone of poetry as the arts and culture continuum by trying to use htayrawada buddhism Pathana Texts-24- ways of causes and effects in human circles of life as wisdom, emptiness from the concept of htayrawada buddhism as no ego or no self and no ego's possessivesness in happeningness of life forms and essence of life situation, contemporary philosophy, contemporary psychology, zen buddhism, ethics, aesthetics, neuroaesthetics and bridges of humanity in culturalanthropology and anthropological pssychology by means of simplicities of post-representational styles of post-conceptual poetics in the 21st century and post-contemporay poetry in the 21sy century [may./7/2014] Date of Birth: January 19,1962 Real Name: Mr.Maung Maung Thein or Mr.Maung Thein Pen Name: Nyein Way/? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? it is not spelt like? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ; There can have another poet with the name Nyein Wai or nyein way: be careful! ! ! ! ! ! Education: B.A. English, Post-graduate Diploma in English Language Teaching, Cambridge Certicate in ELT CEELT Level 2 Publications: 1 An anthology of poems within 20 years named'Words and Tree' in 2005 2 An educational book'Classroomology' in 1999 3 Video art: Isolated Sports in 2005 shown in poetry workshop and poetry reading at Gitameit Music Institute's ''New Diections Programme '' in 2005 in Yangon : 2 " CIRCUITS" in 2010, shown in Wathan Film Festival, YANGON, MYANMAR in 2017. 4 A Poetics Book 'Conceptual Poetics and A Contemporary poet' in August,2009. 5 YouTube - IG2BA Unilateral Culture Exchange - DAN KWONG & NYEIN WAY 2 min 13 sec - 24 Apr 2009 Dance excerpt from 'IT'S GREAT 2B AMERICAN', performed Nov. '08, LA Theater Center. Text by Burmese poet Nyein Way. Camera - Mark... www.youtube.com/watch? v=TC-4nv0xwBA - Related videos 6 GA GA NA NA-a post-conceptual and text-based artwork' is published in october,2010. 7 ''Anamataga'', an experimebtaland postconceprual poetey book in 2012. 8 ''Biopsy Of Silence'', Wittgenstein's Lab 1962-2063 in 2016, an experimental poetry book. 9 99-RIVERS: the 21st cenrury new world poetics, an experimental powtry book on essay-poem in 2017. 10 " TOTAL POETRY" , an experimental powtry book in 2015. 11 " A POSTCONCEPTUAL DICTIONARY: a biligual book, an experimental poetry book structuring all definitions of words as one long poem. 12 Biopsy Of Silence 2016 13 99~RIVERS; the 21st century new world poetics Feb,2017 14 In the anthology of asia~pacific writings" The Near And The Far" 2016 by SCRIBE PUBLICATION, London and Austrakia. 15 A Little Bamboo Bridge 2018, Kabanaryeegyi Publishing House, Yangon, Myanmar. 16 Key 2018, Kabanaryeegyi Publishing House, Yangon, Myanmar. Educational aims of Q.E.L.C. Language Centr. He is a buddhist, practising vipassana meditation everday.His parents are debout buddhists of hayrawarda buddhism and so he is a buddhist since his childhood.He reads dufferent kinds of books but his most interesting subject is hayrawarda buddhism. He wants to help kids to think for themselves in a critical and humanistic way through teaching English as a second or foreign language.His greatest aim is to make kids know that education is life long learning and having an informed choice in a critical attitude, reflecting their own experiences and others' experiences and opinions-learing by doing things and learning by critically interactive with others, experssing their own opinions, building up self esteem in the learning community and existing society. I want to know more about how developed countries are building up educational community compared to a country like Myanmar and from that educational and international experiences, he can have more energy to build up, i would say, a democrative, open and critical community through the classroom and reflecting and contemplating on daily experiences. He woyld like to train teachers to be more effective and critical for the community they work for, too. So he had also given educational workshops for teachers for English at British Council and American centre workshops since 1999. He had done some poetry readings and performances for some schools in Yangon such as international school yangon and alliance francaise, Yangon. About Nyein Way's poems: All his poems are about the bridges alternative realities are wired.When the basic humanities are fragmented in any situations, realities are multifaceted beings and poetry is made through life as bridges for peace, humanity and intellectual growth. He said, '' I never write poems under the category 'Politics and my poems are being and becoming apolitical, astronomical and apoetic ones, crossing many a boundaries in the arts and culture zone as a a cuttibg~ edge one, postconceptual balance of life, intelligence & multtude in time of peace, harmony & wisdom. Inspirations: Gertrude Stein, Beckett, John Cage, Jackson Mac Low, Zukofsky, Frank O'hara, Charles Bernstein Kenneth Goldsmith, ancient asian poets and poetics, Htayrawada buddhism's Pathana texts which manifest 24 machineries existing and connecting to reveal causes and effects and to self-realize the conceptual liberation and to knoe and to reflect conceptualization process, any cartoons and animated characters and children literature and everyday life of ordinary people .He loves reading and books are his friends for his life long education programme.He reads different kinds of good books for integrated wisdom. He had helped British poet Ruth Padel to make meeting with Myanmar poets and translated some of her favourite poems from different countries when she visted Myanmar in 2002 gave poetry workshops both inside and outside the country Myanmar -American Centre, Alliance Francaise, art centers, international schools and Gitameit music centre participated in the Mekong project artists-in-residency programme in Phenom Penh, Cambodia in Nov,2004, together with artists from Mekong region made collaborative performances with artists from USA, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, China, Vietnam, Finland, Hongkong made NIGHT, MOON, DANCE performance with international artists based on his Trilogy poem'night, moon dance' a contributor of an article about Myanmar theatre for the Encyclopedia of Asian Theatre published by Greenwood Publishing House, NYC which have got the best reference book award by the American Library Association in 2008. He performed ''Sky Poem'' poetry work with improvised texts in ''1st Beyond Pressure International Performance Festival held in Yangon, Myanmar in 2008. One of his poems was published in the 'THE' literary magazine, Santa Fe, New Mexico, the United Stated of America in July,2008.Make poetry reading events in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA and Malibu, Los Angeles, California, USA in June,2008. One of his poems he wrote during his one-month long stay in 18th street arts center, Santamonica, Los Angeles, California was used in multi-media artist Dan Kwong's Performance 'It's great 2B an American' in June,2008 at highway performance center at 18th street arts center. He has Read poetry with performance, collaborating with dancers, singers and musicians from New York, Beijing, Thailand and Germany in the multimedia performance sponsored by Asian Cultural Council at Gitameit Music center, Yangon in December,2008.Made poetry reading with performance at International Performance Festival'BEYOND PRESSURE'together with international artists from Canada, Malaysia, Korea and Vietnam and read a paper on 'Artists Communities in Myanmar' in December,2008. He read poetry at the most famous theatre troupe in Myanmar'Shwe Man Chan Tha theatre troupe at Independence Day Festival in the football field of Hlaing Township, Yangon, collaborating with the performance 'Philosophy Tree'. Having read the poem 'Clay Revolution' together with musians; Kit Young USA, Dephanie Germany and performance artists; Myat Kyawt & Daw Htay Htay at 'Tribute to singer Htoo Ein Thin'at Gitameit music center, Yangon Myanmar on August 14,2009.Read the poem'Next Window To Puppet City' at NEXT WINDOW art exbition held at Lawkanat Art Gallery, Yangon on August 28,2009. Read POetry with performance'VICTORY' on September 25,2009 at 'Natural &environmental art exibition' at Lokanat art gallery, Yangon, Myanmar. Make a performance piece'Back To Dream' at New Zero Art Space, Yangon on Oct 28,2009. Make poetry reading and improvising poetry as a narrator in multi-disciplinary performance of the story 'FOUR PUPPETS' at 'Master Class in Asian Puppetry', collaborating with puppeteers, musicians, directors from USA, Thailand, Myanmar and Germany at Empty Space Chiangmai ESC in Chiangmai, Thailand, Bangkok Culture and Art Centre in Bangkok on Jan 15, Jan 16 and Jan 20,2010. Make performance art'CIRCUITS' with collage poetry and improvosational text by Nyein Way, Matin Heidegger being and time, Craige Dworking Strand and Caroline Bergvall, on February 7,2010 at Lokanat Gallery, Yangon. Show text-based artwork 'MAHAJANAKA-CIRCUIT PAGE TWO' and read the translation poem of Arthur Sze's Before Completion 1989 jsjustaposed with Artist Chan Aye's Art work Untitled Light boxes at 'Crossing Borders' Myanmar Contemporary art movement at lokanat gallery, Yangon from Aug 30 to September 3,2010. On December 28 &31, he read and performed combination and rummagings of poems titled 'TRUTH BANKS' at action painting festival held at Dagaung Art Gallery in Yangon, Myanmar. He had attended IRRAWADDY LITERARY FESTIVAL ILF in Yangon, Myanmar and had given talks and poetry readings since the first one in 2013. He was rewarded a WrICE residency programme in Hoinn and Hanoi Vietnam and Melbourne, Australia by WRICE PROGRAMMES in 2015.In the same year he had attended Melbourne Writers Festival MWF. His poems were published in international journels and magazines such as ''tripewire(USA) , Rabbit(Australia) ...etc. Some of his writing''99-Rivers: a 21st century postconceptual poetry book, conceptual liberation in the 21st century...etc'' One of his writing''Treaty Of Poetry'' published in the book''Near And Far'' by Scribe Publication. He established ''Kabanaryeegyi Publiahing House' in Yangon, Myanmar. He has been living together with his family, teaching English and practising vipassana meditation daily at home in Yangon, Myanmar. He has been running an English Language School''Q.E.L.C. Language Centre '' in Yangon. website: ubu.com/contemp/ wikipedia poemhunter.com/nyein_way academia.edu.au wrice writers programme)

The Best Poem Of Nyein Way(Maung Maung Thein)

Just Poetry

nothing more than that
just poetry links to the title
Just Poetry

Nyein Way(Maung Maung Thein) Comments

Prabir Gayen 14 December 2018

Very spontaneous poet of sublime nature

0 0 Reply
NguEin HtetMyet 06 September 2018

Burmese Myanmar contemporary poetries

0 0 Reply
p.a. noushad 03 February 2010

beautiful versrs, touching my soul

4 1 Reply
Afzal Shauq 01 January 2010

a sweet piece.well done

3 1 Reply

Nyein Way(Maung Maung Thein) Quotes

Under the same sky (We all are a family) We all are brothers and sisters Under the same sky

Poet's Page Poems Quotes Comments Stats E-Books Biography Send Message Share on Facebook Share on Twitter may all humans be in meittha, loving kindness may all humans be in meittha, loving kindness may all humans be in meittha, loving kindness may all humans be in meittha, loving kindness may all humans be in meittha, loving kindness may all humans be in meittha, loving kindness may all humans be in meittha, loving kindness may all humans be in meittha, loving kindness A Meitthawardi with meittha.

(((((A Basic Aesthetics has been still alive in human civilization! !))))) Meittha, loving kindness Garuna, empathy and sympathy Upitkha, balanced attitude Mudhitha, goodwill Life is a humanity-voyage, making otherness or others realize that there is a better world by basic aesthetics; the beauty of lotus in the pond of mud Under The Bamboo Bridge! ! ! ! !

I don't know anying about poetry Idon't know anying about life The thing I know is that I am a poem Written by the person I don't know

Just ideas but Except ideas post-conceptual poet nyein way

Reciting truths in time of crisis helps a person wise and happy..this is a Poetics of the Post_Conceptual poetics

In Crisis Of COVID-19 my wife is a teacher my son is a medical doctor my daughter is a medical doctor I am a post-conceptual poet who had kidney transpkanted two months and three weeks ago In time of Covid-19 crisis

Noble silence of wisdom Stillness janas above A Buddhist poet is sitting nowhereelse

A Mythology Is A Poem Beyond Time_space Station

Recite thitsar(true things you have done in your life with transparent mind) History Of Thitsar in sancript but in English, thitsar is meant to be 'true things one have done oral, mental physical acts of true condition whatever good or whatever bad they have been) For life security and prosperity.. Thisar_recitation is kind of Mantra for safety and everything to be better..

Poems are myths. Poetry is a reconstructive wisdom beyond descriptive and prescriptive language....

A Buddhist Monk Poet is in the no less silence, by the noble silence, of the noble silence and to the noble silence..

togetherness od solidarity of collective harmony-purple-umbrellas wearing a song of apocalyse

Knowing the creative knowledge of mind_body media of sensational happenings Are circled on the tracks of body_mind field of message A city cyclist

Meittha..loving kindness Garuna..compassion Mudhitha..having sympathy and empathy on others Upikha..a balanced mind approach

Wordcolour Painting Through the senses, intuition, thinking and attitude Of an experiences inside the physique

A Balanced Wave On Moves

nothing is permanent.

poems are not creatives.poems are flows of nature, which are uncreative naturality.And they become legendary unknowns of artistic-antiaesthetic arrows into the universes of human mind.

eyes of running horses in woods are poetries.

Open truths are secrets of vital-poetic victory.

Happy Blinds On Speedy Edges Of Deforming Cloud (poet nyein way,2021september25) just images on retina and mental formations by mechanic acts of thinking simulacra of phenomenal worlds in process of suffering forces so fed up riders of shaking vibrating particles and unparticles of universe in garden of truths in mind-body supermarket

life is sometimes a dream, sometimes a narrative, sometimes pain. but still beauriful.

poetics of ethics is undiscovered by nownessbof realistic ary of life. this is 21st century's ancient poetics which isbstilled life in neo-silence.


a name is just a name without adding adjectives to weighed it down a name iis just a name algorythm of karmic law

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