Sonya Davis

Sonya Davis Poems


Time like breath;
Like the breath we breathe;
like wisps of smoke
Floating gently by.

Little black birds perched on
Telephone lines on high
Watching strange black birds
Walking, talking here below.

Songs play
Mouths pray,
Minds and hearts attune.
Hips sway,

In the depths of my heart lives fear.
You know why, I know why.
I walked in a burning furnace once
And came out smoking.

My heart is your home
Where happy thoughts of you lie
In gentler times.
The days where we ran across the hills of Mount Carmel

Dare to hope.
Dare to more than survive.
Dare to thrive;
Dare to live your life for the man

Delicacy of a mountain breeze;
How it passes with such ease.
Swing high, swing low
Gentle trees

The Best Poem Of Sonya Davis


Time like breath;
Like the breath we breathe;
like wisps of smoke
Floating gently by.
A breath expired,
A log consumed,
Such is time.

And while it flitters away
Into the chasm of the great unknown,
Trails is my youth in its stone cold grasp,
The corpses of my dreams,
The vim and vitality of my body,
Memories of you and me and what....
And what could have been.
Such is time.

Time like breath
Time like wisps of
Smoke encircling the air.
Time like the jingles of coins in my pocket.
How much do I have left?
Such is time.

And what is left of me?
What jingles in the sunset
while earth grows cool in the eventide?
What of this orange glow that forms
Around my heart, a splendour of spring
In the winter of my diminishment?
Strange Beginnings, fresh wind
And such is time.

Time like breath,
But I'm still breathing.
Time like the wind,
But still I arise, I soar, I fly.
Time like the jingles
And I will spend it in Praise,
With Faith, with Pride.
Death trails behind me
But it can't touch me
Until that appointed time.
And such is time.

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