Michael Anthony Gomez

Michael Anthony Gomez Poems

It was early Sunday morning as I took my daily stroll through the park.

Springtime has finally arrived, after a frigid icy cold winter.

time stood still at the peak of high noon.

as the light of the sun revealed earths pending doom.

moment to moment, an eclipse darkens the landscape.

for as far as the eye can see, a mental movie in 1 take.

To be here
with you Lord.
Can be anywhere.

Everyone's looking for a Hero,

well need look no more.

The prophet has been sent with a message.
And I'm gonna give it until you get it, to do the will of God,
and help separate the saints from the slobs.

Laying on the grass surrounded by fields of green.

beholding the sights of God's nature as I doze and dream.

Looking for God in a church, every Sunday.
Want to talk to God then hit the switch Monday.
It's just another suit you wear like any other day.
You stand in full view of everyone while you pray.

OH Death,
I look you in the eye and call your bluff.
in my arrogance,
do I believe I'll live forever?

Derivative! Derivative!

everything is Derivative!

Jesus, you are the drink to my thirst

Jesus, you are the food to my hunger

The Best Poem Of Michael Anthony Gomez

A Walk In The Park Written By: Michael A Gomez January,2005

It was early Sunday morning as I took my daily stroll through the park.

Springtime has finally arrived, after a frigid icy cold winter.

flowers we're blooming with an array of organized patterns.

children were playing on the grass running free in a game of tag. in which,

one of them, a girl wearing a Statue of Liberty shirt circled around me, lunged, tagged me, and told me I was it. I gladly accepted being it, if it meant being as free as her,

completely unfettered by life's shackles that bind you with age.

as I walked, I watch the bird flying overhead, soaring in Freedom.

then swooping down to rest on the branches of a tree that spread its arms Wide Open, welcoming this weary traveler to take a break and garner its strength,

for the long trip that lies ahead.

while perched, it sang an Ode to Freedom. a glory to my ears, lifting my spirits and soothing my soul, filling my heart with a renewed zest for being alive.

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