Jürgen Wagner

Jürgen Wagner Poems

When we cherish animals with care
Cows and chickens, pigs so fair
Their strength will empower us, that's true
Will be o u r blessing and happiness too

In Mother Hulda's apple grove so fair
The apple trees stood meagre and bare
Nobody could help, it was a plight:
The gardens in heaven in need of delight!

A prince, indulged, yet sees the pain
He left his castle, not in vain
He pondered on the question, guess!
What is the cause of all this mess?

Engrossed in prayer through the night
The Brother heard a croaking right
The bullfrog sang its boisterous song
It has to be feared: all night long

A master had a garden fair
It bloomed so bright, got tender care
A sign hung by his humble gate
Invited men to contemplate:

Would gladly be the rain upon your skin
The person you trust most and let in
The playful wind caressing your hair
Together, we'd be a dreaming pair

'There's something missing, ' thought the man
A smart professor with a plan
So well-read, learned, highly esteemed
His accolades and honors gleamed

The bishop's ship, it made a stop
On an island far away
The cleric walked along the shore
Discovered in a bay

Ten farmers walked across the field
When suddenly the rain revealed
The lightning struck, the thunder roared loud
They couldn't get home, they were so cowed

In Leeds, there lived a poor old dame
In a world that lacked all shine and fame
In that house were neither meat nor honey
In short: she had so little money!

Once upon a time in a quaint village small
Hungry wolves caused fear to befall
They devoured houses and fields with delight
As the village lay dormant throughout the night

To become a butterfly so bright
A few days on Earth in the light
In beauty, you unfold your grace
On blossoms, you find a resting place

Her beloved child had passed away
The mother finds no peace, they say
Already lost her husband, true
And now her child, anguish grew

Places of peace, where the strength resides
Sites of stillness, where nature abides
Here one may linger, moments compile
Ancient rifts closing, healing the while

Monday - Day of the Moon

The moon receives the sun's bright light
The child is fed with love, delight

In the rain, take a stroll
Beneath the stars, pitch your soul
Welcome the sun with open arms
Feel the magic of love's sweet charms

When butterflies vanish and bees disappear
Frogs croaking are no longer to hear
No larks in song, no swallows in flight
It's very late for lament, sorrow or plight

Seven wonders exist in the world
Six continents with stories unfurled
Five corners form a shining star
Four leaf clovers, loved they are

Green is the grass in our garden's domain
Green is the hope that helps us sustain
Greenhorns are not very experienced in life
But she has a green thumb, my loving wife

Who can radiate with light's pure gleam?
Who can pour with heavy clouds?
Who can blossom with the land?
Can flow with streams beyond doubts?

Jürgen Wagner Biography


The Best Poem Of Jürgen Wagner

Everything Comes Back

When we cherish animals with care
Cows and chickens, pigs so fair
Their strength will empower us, that's true
Will be o u r blessing and happiness too

When we appreciate and tend the trees
Shrubs, herbs, moss, also the greens
How fresh will be the air around!
We'll be vitalized, our being crowned

When we honor rivers gratefully
Oceans, brooks, lakes faithfully
Then we'll be blessed on every day
With pure, clear water, you can say!

When we protect and clean the air
Screw down some high demands, I swear
Life's complications minimize
Health and well-being will arise

But if we disregard the earth
Other beings' life and worth
The dirt and filth will soon return
And poison us - we have to learn!

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