Dorothy Colditz

Dorothy Colditz Poems

I think it's death
How did I get here
I just came out to sweep the deck
Got locked out

It's good to get a phone call
Even though there are not many
Why do I bother saying
I'm not going to be here forever

I sit outside in front of my house
Chatting with this one so close
We talked about the devil a bit
The bearded dragon was in on this

Happy to feel enthusiasm
To wake up smiling
Knowing I'm intelligent
Knowing I'm Terrific

It was a beautiful day
I was sitting outside
Reading poems
A bee came around

The Best Poem Of Dorothy Colditz

What's That Smell

I think it's death
How did I get here
I just came out to sweep the deck
Got locked out
They could not see me
Went back to see
But fell instead
For some reason no one asked
Where is that old lady
Could she be missing
The hours pass
Soon they will ask
What's that smell
That smells like death
That's me

Dorothy Colditz Comments

Dorothy Colditz Quotes

When your life gets rocky Embrace what you've learned Squeeze out your happiness

You can cry all you want Just don't dwell

Respect everyone you never know who's gonna be the one to save you

No matter how good the deal seems only be dependent on yourself

The love of the young whisper in your ear Reminding us of the new amazing adventures to come

The universe is like a generous good hearted friend Imagine what you want Request it Believe in it You will be grateful when you receive it

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