Bob Kasiita

Bob Kasiita Poems

Am I walking too swiftly, leaving you behind?
Am I descending into a black void with no guiding light?
Should I embrace the radiance and suppress my fondness for darkness?
Where do dreams find their sanctuary?

Give me a piece of paper,
I want to write a poem about,
My country, my beloved Uganda.

I am tired, whispers the policeman,
Tired of poor living conditions,
Tired of inadequate safety measures,
Tired of limited funding and logistics.

The Best Poem Of Bob Kasiita

My Reflection

Am I walking too swiftly, leaving you behind?
Am I descending into a black void with no guiding light?
Should I embrace the radiance and suppress my fondness for darkness?
Where do dreams find their sanctuary?
Why are forbidden fruits so alluring?
Do I search for love amidst lifeless spaces?
Why does my heart feel empty, devoid of affection?
Am I reaching out for hands that are no longer there?
Am I reaching for the unreachable, aiming for the sky?
I feel lost, overwhelmed by sorrow,
My sense of direction has faltered, can you please lend me your hand to guide me?
Will you accompany me through the paroxysms of grief?
How will I journey far without a soulmate by my side,
Could you be the one to stand by me?
Shall we traverse the depths of the abyss together,
Or will you merely watch as I face the end of the world?

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