Enache Dan

Enache Dan Poems

Love her, but let her be wild,
Like the wind that blows over endless fields,
With the scent of freedom, blossoming in her heart,
And passions that burn, like the flames of an unquenched fire.

In a world where stars intertwine with dreams,
Where hearts beat to the rhythm of a silent song,
I met a woman, an enigma, a mystery,
Who carried in her eyes the story of an absolute love.

In the hidden world, where dreams dance,
I venture in search of concealed mysteries,
Where the moon weaves tales in silver rays,
And stars whisper secrets in the depth of the night.

A love does not ask, does not expect, does not fight, it simply exists,
In the silence between heartbeats, where time seems to stand still,
Where stars reflect in the tears of the night,
And where dreams intertwine with memories, in a dance of destiny.

Soon, love will be illegal,
In a world where feelings are locked in iron cages,
But deep within this world, beneath a cloak of stars,
A proud and graceful unicorn makes its way to our hearts.

In a universe where time is measured in seasons,
There lies an untold secret, a mystery related to beings.
After autumn, winter, spring, and summer,
Comes the woman, the fifth season, a true wonder, a real oasis.

Iubește-o, dar las-o sălbatică,
Ca vântul ce bate peste câmpii nesfârșite,
Cu mireasma de libertate, ce înflorește în inima ei,
Și cu pasiunile ce ard, precum flăcările unui foc nestins.

LoveIn a world where stars dance across the sky,
Your face shines, like a pure and mysterious crystal,
In every glance, in every gesture, I feel a captivating mystery,
You were the gateway to a hidden, magical and beautiful kingdom.

Într-o lume unde stelele se împletesc cu visele,
Unde inimile bat în ritmul unei melodii tăcute,
Am întâlnit o femeie, o enigmă, un mister,
Ce purta în ochi povestea unei iubiri absolute.

In the shadow of the century that surpasses me,
I lose myself in thoughts, in a world that changes.
It dresses in garments of light and reason,
Even when winters fade and snows no longer fall.

In the temple of the body where the soul dances,
A story hides, a profound melody.
My mind is a universe, with stars and spaces,
Where thoughts fly, unrestrained, without steps.

In the deep silence of the night, when the world rests and dreams,
I want to share with you a secret, a mystery that envelops me.
When I gaze at the pure moon, shining like a crystal in the starry sky,
Or at the red branch of autumn, gently bending, caressing my lonely window,

In the silence of endless nights, I was a nomad of emotions,
On alleys of rented hearts, where memories were like stars.
I lived in shadowed souls, like darkened rooms,
But with every beat, I illuminated them with my love, with my winged dreams.

When I was a child, I believed that the young were happy,
When I was young, I believed that adults were happy,
When I was an adult, I believed that the elderly were happy,
Now that I'm old, I know the dead are happy.

In the last moment of the day, when time seems to stop,
I'd give anything for just one more second, to see you again, even for a moment.
Your voice, like an echo of the heavens, envelops me in a melody,
And every word spoken is like a ray of sunshine, warming me in the cold of life.

From the sea of sorrow, I extract a drop of mystery,
For every passing autumn, a magical spring whispers to me,
In fleeting youth, a waltz under the pale moonlight,
We, nature, in an eternal dance, keep the secrets of the night.

On the vast field of sorrow, where memories fade into the mist,
Where hearts are fragile and gazes are shadows that fade away,
I walked with heavy steps, my soul weighed down by the burden that presses on me,
In a world where love is a battle, and every memory is a tear that flows gently.

In a world where time turns upside down,
My memories come from a distant tomorrow,
Not from the shadow of the past that fades into the mist,
But from a future that has yet to be created.

In a realm where time stands still,
Where hearts beat in sync with the clock,
I wish more souls were like yours,
Never looking back, always moving forward,

Deep within my soul, immense burdens weighed me down,
Endless nights, where sadness constantly accompanied me.
Turbulent thoughts, like lightning in the night,
Broke my heart, leaving me with no escape.

Enache Dan Biography

Romanian poet)

The Best Poem Of Enache Dan

Love Her, But Let Her Be Wild

Love her, but let her be wild,
Like the wind that blows over endless fields,
With the scent of freedom, blossoming in her heart,
And passions that burn, like the flames of an unquenched fire.
Love her, but let her dance,
Like the rain that falls on summer leaves,
With droplets of joy, that trickle down her cheeks,
And the rhythm of her heart, in tune with nature's beats.
Love her, but let her dream,
Like the stars that shine in the deep night,
With the light reflecting in her sparkling eyes,
And desires that fly, like birds to the sky.
Love her, but let her sing,
Like the river that flows between rocks,
With her sweet melodies, soothing wounded souls,
And her voice, echoing in the mountain's calls.
Love her, but let her explore,
Like an eagle soaring over valleys and mountains,
With curiosity guiding her to new horizons,
And her wings, carrying her to freedom's fountains.
Love her, but let her be herself,
Like a tree growing in the midst of the forest,
With roots deeply anchored in the ground,
And branches reaching out to the sun, so earnest.
Love her, but let her be wild,
In this way, she finds her true essence,
And in freedom, she lives her life with passion and intensity,
For she is a free spirit, an untamed soul, an eternal presence.

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