Riv Omin

Riv Omin Poems

I keep slipping
I'm growing tired of holding on
To a cliff that keeps me awake
It's too hard to climb up

The wind howls like a wolf
As the stars blink and talk
They share memories, stories, tales with the moon
That glows bright in the dark sky

People want to be normal
And I don't understand
Each painting is one of a kind

Tall trees blossom around you
Heroes at a smoking campfire
You among them

The Best Poem Of Riv Omin

The Cliff Of Insanity

I keep slipping
I'm growing tired of holding on
To a cliff that keeps me awake
It's too hard to climb up
And too easy to fall
I wish to call for help
For me, for others, each closer and farther
But I can't
I can't explain it
It's hard to when your brain is a knot
Tied up then ripped to pieces
I see the doom beneath me
And I laugh a sad chuckle
Knowing if I don't scream, I will fall
I'm wishing you will just look over the edge
Just one peek
Because my voice isn't working
I keep slipping
Down the cliff to insanity
But I want to help the people next to me first
Because I know I'm already gone

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