Abraham Lawrence

Abraham Lawrence Poems

In shadows deep, I search for light,
Guided by dreams that burn bright.
Embracing storms, I'll stand the fight,
For in adversity, I'll find my might.

I regret to inform you
I'm so sorry to say
It's unfortunate to mention
those are usually the beginning of bad news

Does my complexion offend you
Does it make you mad
does it make you sad
does it make you angry


'In childhood's carefree cascade, I cruised through classes, calm and unafraid,
But now, as adulthood's anchor weighs, I stumble and falter, like a ship in a tempest's raid.

Once, straight A's adorned my way, like stars adorning the night's grand display,


Like a blink of the eye it was all over like a storm in the sky, it always comes to a end it could be at night it could be in the day it was end
Life is like a river with a beginning and always an end
Little by little time Lilliputian away before you know it it's the final curtain little giant frail and weak now, so says time. Like autumn leaves, we gather wisdom in the wind each year a new chapter a new page in life as river flows, we find our way to a pace yet unknown.

The Best Poem Of Abraham Lawrence


In shadows deep, I search for light,
Guided by dreams that burn bright.
Embracing storms, I'll stand the fight,
For in adversity, I'll find my might.

The tapestry we weave each day,
With threads of hope in every way,
Unfolds a tale, come what may,
A journey etched in hues of gray.

Through trials faced and lessons learned,
In every twist and every turn,
The ember's glow will steady burn,
A testament of how we yearn.

Life's melody, a changing song,
From innocence to being strong,
With every note, we march along,
Finding purpose, where we belong.

So let the river's current guide,
With faith and courage as our stride,
In every ebb and every tide,
Remember, you're on a glorious ride.

Abraham Lawrence Comments

Abraham Lawrence Quotes

'leave your life for you only have one'

'embrace the journey for it makes you who you are meant to be'

'in the dance of life, every step counts even the misstep.'

' the pages of tomorrow are written by the choices of today.'

'the award for patience is bountiful.'

'in every end lies a new beginning.'

'Our journey is of a endless bump'

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