Laura Hasenberg

Laura Hasenberg Poems

I hate talking to people
well, not my friends.
I like them
I hate talking to the help

Every time people talk about love
he'll look at her. That shows me
I'll never get the chance or to prove I'm worthy too.

Why should I always be there for you,
when you don't even want me.
You love someone else, so
what's the point of me

The Best Poem Of Laura Hasenberg


I hate talking to people
well, not my friends.
I like them
I hate talking to the help
center over the phone
and I hate calling into a
restaurant to see if there's
any room.
I can't do it. I'll embarrass
I'll make a mess of my words
and I'll be the joke they tell to
their coworkers.
I've heard it's not supposed
to be embarassing to
ask for, , no pickles' or ask for
a ride, but I know I can never
get it right.
It's easy you know.
Human decency.
Social interactions.
But I can't tlak to strangers.
I just can'tinteract to others on my own.

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