John Burns

John Burns Poems


In a world that feels dim, where shadows reside,
A journey through valleys, with nowhere to hide.
The weight of the years, like stones in my chest,
As I grapple and wrestle with life's toughest test.

In a world that spins with dizzying pace,
Wandering souls seek a comforting space.
A life full of questions, a heart full of doubt,
Puzzling one's purpose—what's it all about?

In a world that's a whirlwind, complex and loud,
Where ambitions like skyscrapers pierce through the cloud,
We search for fulfillment in glamour and gold,
Yet the secret to happiness is simpler, so I'm told.

In corridors of power we toil,
Planting dreams in barren soil.
Yet what are trinkets, rank, and name?
When Death itself plays the final game.

In the realm of glitter and gold, we find our hearts ensnared,
Chasing shadows of affluence, a relentless pursuit declared.
The more we grasp, the less we hold, a paradox profound,
Material chains, tightly bound, in possessions we are drowned.

Where do they come from?
These dark and dreaded clouds
It's sunny today; I wasn't expecting this
I guess they're here to stay,

What have we done,
this world, it's complicated, and dog-eat-dog
how will he cope?
It's all my fault, how can I protect him? my son

The Best Poem Of John Burns


In a world that feels dim, where shadows reside,
A journey through valleys, with nowhere to hide.
The weight of the years, like stones in my chest,
As I grapple and wrestle with life's toughest test.

Yet beside me, a beacon, my wife's steady glow,
And the laughter of a child, like fresh-fallen snow.
They are the sunshine that pierces the gray,
The reminders of love, that keep dark thoughts at bay.

It's a battle, a struggle, a never-ending fight,
But I'm not alone, in this long, weary night.
Though I wade through the depths, I'm still reaching for shore,
For the ones that I love, give me strength to ask for more.

The road may be hard, and the climb ever steep,
But I press on for promises, I've vowed to keep.
For even in darkness, there's a chance to find light,
And the love of my family, makes the battle worth the fight.

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