katya kaluhina

katya kaluhina Poems

when i am sad, i break pencils. but i won't tell anyone about it. because they will simply say that i damage property. property that does not belong to them. they also say that apathy is a sin and one should not listen to their sadness. i dutifully obey.
most often, pencils obey easily, without crumbling or digging into the skin. but sometimes strong ones come across, and i'm afraid to break them. it's difficult, loud and unpleasant.
when i'm angry, i break skulls. but those that fell from my arms can't tell anyone about it anymore. they become my property.
skulls have never let me down.

разрывая мне сердце и тело
бездна грубо меня поимела
разжевала, игралась, трясла
и к губам кровь мою поднесла

я ненавижу свои вены
свои артерии и сердце
не переношу то что содержат
эти гадкие трубы и вера

вижу смысл лишь в жизни твоей
для моей же нет окон, щелей
только часть я смогу пронести
но жить долго не буду, прости

я люблю тебя, ты знаешь?
ты ритм сердца представляешь
моего? тот хаос, нежность
что убивают всю ту тленность

я разрыдаюсь в твоих объятиях
я буду бежать к тебе, словно ветер
и куда денется грусть и апатия
что висели на мне, словно бремя?

The Best Poem Of katya kaluhina

Pencils (A Short Story)

when i am sad, i break pencils. but i won't tell anyone about it. because they will simply say that i damage property. property that does not belong to them. they also say that apathy is a sin and one should not listen to their sadness. i dutifully obey.
most often, pencils obey easily, without crumbling or digging into the skin. but sometimes strong ones come across, and i'm afraid to break them. it's difficult, loud and unpleasant.
when i'm angry, i break skulls. but those that fell from my arms can't tell anyone about it anymore. they become my property.
skulls have never let me down.
among them there are none that did not break from my not long-lasting, yet such pleasant power. and the fact that they crumble, on the contrary, no longer bothers me. yet i just help them feel what i do when those colourful babies do not crackle in my hands.
i take Anger by the hand and put my arm around Greed - my parents are so understanding! passing the mirror, i look jealously at my mother - she has everything i don't have.
there were no pencils in my pockets.
'Envy, Envy! ', i hear the heart-rending cries of those behind me. they kept calling out my name until i had had enough of what i wanted.
skulls indeed never let me down.

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