Miss T Jay

Miss T Jay Poems

From inside my mind
there was none to find
Cause all that have seen
is the craziness for all that its been

You left her,
like a broken toy thrown away
you walked away, without regret.
She used to be angry and confused,

Miss T Jay Biography

I am a 35 yr old female and a mother of a 15yr old. I don't always have everything together although it might seem like I do. I love writing and reading. I am adventurous and is always looking for my next adrenaline rush. I speak my mind and don't usually have a filter between my brain and my mouth. I get along with most people and are usually the funny one and always trying to make everyone feel welcome.)

The Best Poem Of Miss T Jay

Mind Full Characters

From inside my mind
there was none to find
Cause all that have seen
is the craziness for all that its been
No one can understand
the difficulty it is to make a stand
When every voice inside
is arguing about which next ride.

I am trapped in between,
listening to all of them wine
This one says 'I agree'
that one said 'where are we? '
Some sit in the corner laughing,
while another just simply hanging
None is together and can't agree
about which one will go free
The one is scattering for lost files
and the other is trying to walk miles.

Inside is not the place to be
for inside you won't find me
But only the five crazies
that think they should've been daisies.
T. Malan.

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