Leanne Bryan

Leanne Bryan Poems

Love is patient
Love is kind
Love is treacherous
Love is blind

God You are everywhere
God is Love
You are magically entwined in vibrations and sounds
You are also up above

Trees roots
Branches and veins
They cling and grow in the soil
They somehow exist, surviving nature's toil


God exists outside of time
He has already seen how it all plays out
Because of freewill, we may change things about
But before the end, He changes us day by day


Love is a very deep, dangerous, passionate, mysterious thing in my book
It can be the best feeling, spontaneous happiness, excitement and warmth
Like you're floating on air, with only just one look

I'm loving but sometimes sad
I'm tragic, but most of the time happy

I can laugh so hard that tears come from my eyes

We were two lone hearts beating in the universe
We embraced, caressed and became entwined
It was fate one day that we should meet
God planned it and made it that way

The Best Poem Of Leanne Bryan

Salt Of My Tears

Love is patient
Love is kind
Love is treacherous
Love is blind

Your heart for a while, I did borrow
But now I am left with torment and sorrow
The days are gone where my light did shine
But God said: 'You will be just fine'

Unrequited love is harsh and cruel
It almost feels like a spiritual duel
Where all your emotions run wild
But where common sense should rule

Love opens slowly like an orchid
Just like my love for you did... slow but rapid
Salt of my tears made it lose it savour
Just like the red spots remind us of the blood of our Saviour

My days now will be long nights
And my nights will be long days
But because I found you
I knew I could love again...

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