Sameena Ahmad

Sameena Ahmad Poems

Because they are aware that it is a joyful time,
leaves are rustling.
As she knows the moment is now, Nightingale is singing.
Owing to our fear of the final reality,

Through its own delusion, it became trapped.
By its own hole, did the ship not sink?
Is it insincerity?

The starry sky comes to console the parched land.
Where I seldom ever perceive any green hue,
Where mirrors of mirage appear to greet you.
So, be grateful for the inwardness that rarely manifests.

I plead and pray to God.
In the realm of knowledge, I plead for oceans of depth.
Like rain, shower upon me wisdom.
A roar of thunder drives the darkness away.

Carrying fresh traces of untold and concealed truths...
A reminder of our arrival from another dimension.
Unaware of how to live, yet living a life.

Let the dandelion blooms tell me what the winter holds.
Treasures tucked away that are known to few!
Winter seems to be the time of divine visitors.
When spiritual guides are also on the move.

A hunch: People desire public acclaim.
Are you awake to such a public
that acclaims your views?
They ripple out to lead your notoriety!

When nature is at its finest,
It is morning.
Greetings from the day.
Birds chirp

From the valley of the daffodils,
They have returned.
They wore a firm look on their faces;
This is their job.

Sameena Ahmad Biography

Student Learning and unlearning.)

The Best Poem Of Sameena Ahmad

We Struggle To Live And Laugh

Because they are aware that it is a joyful time,
leaves are rustling.
As she knows the moment is now, Nightingale is singing.
Owing to our fear of the final reality,
We conjure up delusions.
Knowing we lack fun, we make it instead...
Since there is never a good time, we struggle to live and laugh.

Sameena Ahmad Comments

Sameena Ahmad Quotes

Be grateful for the inwardness that rarely manifests.

I watch people carry around anguish too hard to carry. Will they falter or struggle? When you see people in agony, how can you not sigh?

People with wisdom orchestrate their chaotic existence with patience; how hard it is to exhibit oyster-like patience!

A weak tactic for obtaining a goal that threatens stability is impatience

Ripples spread out to die quickly.

Near my window, I saw a flickering candle; I could perceive how it lit up by burning itself.

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