Michelle J

Michelle J Poems

As my pen hovers over the paper
I wait for the ink to flow out
But nothing comes.
I shake the pen and wait a little longer.

I love to love.
Hyper-fixating on niche topics
Obsessing over small details.
Something about loving

The Best Poem Of Michelle J

Who Am I?

As my pen hovers over the paper
I wait for the ink to flow out
But nothing comes.
I shake the pen and wait a little longer.
But still nothing comes.

When the question arises
The words drain from my mind
Like water dripping from an old pipe.
I can't give you
'Three words that describe you'
'What is your defining characteristic? '
Words are hard.

It sounds pretentious.
It really does.
But I think I don't know how to describe myself.
I think I don't know who I am…

I don't understand how any teenager knows who they are.
I can't be encompassed by a few words!
Every part of me works together
To form a complex puzzle
That can never be solved.
A puzzle that extends on infinitely in every direction.

I adapt every day.
I move every day.
I change every day.

Maybe that's just it.
I love learning little by little.
Reading, absorbing, and debating
About the world that surrounds me.
There is so much I have yet to experience
And I am determined to experience
As much as I can.

I am a learner.

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