Chad Dominus

Chad Dominus Poems

Truth is powerful
Truth is real and will always stay
Lies can't stand in the face of the truthful

Digging, digging, digging a well
How deep is it? I cannot tell
But I am far beneath the desert sands
Trying to dig with my raw, bloodied hands

If you cannot take a time of day
To go to the Lord and pray,
Then how can you say:
'I'll follow Him all the way'

Inside I'm just a blind and little boy
A boy who really wants to see Daddy
I have seen many things that brought brief joy
And lots of things I wish I did not see

I walk down a road in the night
far away from manmade light
Through a deep and dark wood
I have traversed many times before

This night I sit by my open window
And stare far off into the blackened sky
As a chill and light breeze begins to blow
I hear whispers in the darkness nearby

The Bride is wearing the wrong clothes, I say
Her worn out dress is covered in black dirt
Does she not know it is her wedding day?
She sits, asleep, in a pew, the pervert

Come watch the fun, fellow demons, come all!
See the spectacle of eternity
Behold the humans march to their fall!
A wondrous parade of vanity

When mankind fell away from God
His love did not get corrupted with them
And He did not abandon them to die
Although He had every right to condemn

To me a sonnet is a straitjacket
It keeps a poet's hands behind his back
Shakespeare is Houdini with a quartet
But Thoreau put no jail bars on his shack

I have been freed! Freed from hope:
Hope in love, hope in Man
I have been freed! Freed to hope:
Hope in God, in His plan

How I love her with all my heart!
I yearn for her with all that is in me
Yet she keeps me at arm's length apart
She cannot fathom that my love is free

How You love me from Your deepest being!
You yearn for me with your infinite soul
Yet from Your arms I am ever fleeing
I can't grasp that Your love is without toll

I may not know what the future holds,
But I know Who holds my future
I may not know what to do for a living,
But I know Who I'm living for

Death is a doorway,
A gate unto eternity.
A chiseled stone, arched and heavy.
It is a rough door, grim and gray.

The phantom of my mind
The monarch of my brain
Is passionate and kind
Brings both pleasure and pain

What is man, that God should love him?
Who are humans that the Father desires them?

The dust of the earth, that is of no worth

The curse of sin weighed on His shoulders
Rejected by both God and man
He took upon Himself the burden
That no one else had the strength to bare

By day the birds sing adoration
Accompanied by the rustling trees
By night the crickets make their proclamation
With the croaking of the frogs and the night breeze


My mind is a surge of emotion
Feelings polarized and beyond scale
Causing confusion, internal commotion
Overpowering, relentless, ruling without fail

Chad Dominus Biography

Everything you need to know about me, you can find within my poetry.)

The Best Poem Of Chad Dominus

The Truth About Truth

Truth is powerful
Truth is real and will always stay
Lies can't stand in the face of the truthful

Those who know the truth should be joyful
In full understanding of Him who is the Way
Truth is powerful

Truth destroys the words of the deceitful
The schemes of the Evil One crumble and decay
Lies can't stand in the face of the truthful

Truth should be treasured as a precious jewel
Out in the open and yet stashed away
Truth is powerful

Truth has the power to free all people
Who are deceived and can't tell night from day
Lies can't stand in the face of the truthful

The greatest truth of all is the gospel
A hope for those who have gone astray
Truth is powerful
Lies can't stand in the face of the truthful

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