Mulunda Silingi

Mulunda Silingi Poems

I love you my beautiful one
At night my hand stretches to nobody
Your pillow rests without your head
The pillows too feel your absence

My gentle one, our love is gone
It is gone forever, never to resurface
Like the death of your father or that of my mother
Our love is no more, no more for you and I

Mulunda Silingi Biography

I am the author of Half Open Half Closed novel.)

The Best Poem Of Mulunda Silingi

My Beautiful One, Come Back

I love you my beautiful one
At night my hand stretches to nobody
Your pillow rests without your head
The pillows too feel your absence
What happened to our love?

I love you my beautiful one
At night, the moon is no more interesting
The blowing winds tell of our sweet past
And the tops and the bras you left here
Are busy oozing your enchanting scent
I wonder what decimated our love

I love you my beautiful one
But will I ever forget your modesty
Will I really forget about your beauty
Shall I really throw away the sweet memories?
But what happened to our love?

I love you my beautiful one
The children are missing you
Your friend Nelly was here yesterday
She whispered to them that you are a house girl
That you are a nanny in the city
That you are taking care of other's children
O'come on my dear, children's eyes are red and swollen
They have cried for you
They have cried for themselves
They have cried for us

I love you my beautiful one
But why did you listen to Nelly?
Or because she is your guardian angel
Who keeps swinging the sword in our in-betweeness! And slicing our reins
Or because she is the goddess to your future?
She misled, and now comes around
And only to provoke the children's emotions
Anyway, she is your friend.
Don't you trust her?

I love you my beautiful one
I was in town yesterday, and guess what! ?
I bought you a dress, of the type of your colour
It resembles your favourite one
And Nelly saw me picking it
She immediately dialed your number
I'm sure she told you that I have a new wife
Don't you trust her?

Anyway, my beautiful one
Whether you come back or not
This new dress will forever wait for you
While hanging in the children's room
Toto, woke up this morning and shouted mama
She thought you are back!
At least the attire invokes your presence!

My beautiful one, are you happy now?
Are you happy that you are a nanny?
Are you happy that another man's wife is your boss?
And that she orders you to every errand.
Nelly said that you are a hard working help
That it is me who had lazied your blood
That now you are happy for discovering your potential
That you have unlocked the life's possibilities
And that you are planning to erect a tower in your name!
And she conclude that indeed you are an imbecile
That you are an idiot
That had estroyed her own home
You think, she can tell me such things?
It is your other friend, Sarah
That brought that story here
Anyway, whether happy or not Your children need you.
I need you too
We need you!
My beautiful one, come back!

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