Spanner Thegob

Spanner Thegob Poems

There is kindness in your smile,
A promise of things to come
A hint of "in a while
We will dance to a different drum"

In the mirror I'm shocked to see
An old man stares back at me.

Hair sparse White and thin

Our greatest fear?
to be forgotten!
Like a child,

Take a moment.
And from the breath of day
Love the flaws,


Will my child smile if I die?
Or Will my child smile if I live?

Its That Time Alright ! ! !

Its that time alright
Hot whiskey through the night

Patience, Have a little
Acknowledge the heart you hold is brittle.
Tactful in your dealings
Increase the love, embrace the feelings!

It's that time of year,
When life, once again must Disappear
Into the cold and lonely
Fallow ground, bare and only

'Looking for love'She said,
in a cigarette stained tone
'Some company,
No need to be unfriendly, alone? '

its bloody hard,
being right,
saying goodbye,
Its bloody hard!

Silvery strands from a jealous moon
Floods the night to light the room
Sun has left an abandoned sky
To return at dawn to a remembered high.

Waiting for the smile of god


Twilight slumber

the day renews in whimsical epiphany
To watch my rest like spiritual serendipity

A heart, chained to loneliness,
imprisoned in unfaithful compliment
bears testament to imagined accomplishments,

Battle over,
War is done,


When did I get old

Dying changed nothing ,
Life is pain,

Fed them rebellion
To accept their fate.
To become a hellion
We Taught them hate.

In the bleak midwinter Nothing will grow,
Earth is poisoned, beneath the snow
Cadavers unclaimed lay cold on the ground,
And whisper to heaven without a sound,

Seize the moment, No regrets,
Praise remembers, Mockery forgets,

Shed a littleTear of honor,

Sobriety …
[curse of the drinking classes}

Wake in a darkened room,

Spanner Thegob Biography

Born in 1960)

The Best Poem Of Spanner Thegob

The Good Wife

There is kindness in your smile,
A promise of things to come
A hint of "in a while
We will dance to a different drum"

Keep the faith my love, keep the faith.

There is mystery in those eyes
As they dance and shine with mischief,
A hint of ecstasy and surprise
A delicious question of "what if! "

Keep the faith my love, keep the faith.

There is softness in your touch
As you wipe away those tears,
Sadness because you loved too much,
Were faithful all the years.

Keep the faith my love, keep the faith.

There is patience in those redundant lips,
anguish in your fragmented heart,
Lips, long to be loved and kissed,
Heart, unprepared to being apart.

Keep the faith my love, keep the faith

And you shall have your hearts desire
When your life has been eclipsed
You will join me on the pyre!
You and I shall keep our tryst!

Spanner Thegob Comments

Spanner Thegob Quotes

You can lead a horse to water but a pencil must be lead

Outside of a dog a book is man's best friend, Inside of a dog it's too dark to read, Groucho

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