Destiny K

Destiny K Poems

Each face I love who now belongs
to the other side, painted masterpieces
during their moment in time.
Each painting hangs on the walls

Throughout my life I have seen the
change of thread of my soul's fabric.
I have felt the thread wrap tightly
like a woven cage until I adjusted.

I had a nightmare I was in love.
Floating on clouds in love,
until it's revealed to be a mirage.
The realization knocking me off my

Destiny K Biography

My name is Destiny. I started writing poetry in my late 20's while healing from a decade long depression. It's really given me a purpose and to feel as if I can contribute something to the world. I write about the healing journey to show those that are going through dark times that yes there is light on the other side of depression.)

The Best Poem Of Destiny K

The Masterpiece My Loved Ones Left Behind

Each face I love who now belongs
to the other side, painted masterpieces
during their moment in time.
Each painting hangs on the walls
of the spacious gallery inside my mind.
The collection has grown but I always
find room in the forefront of my mind.
I keep each one encased inside the
laughter and livelier emotions.
I do this to protect them from sorrow
and the deep longing I feel inside.
I don't want the vivid Colors destroyed.
The distinct sound of their contagious laughter.
The way their eyes smiled at me as
I made them laugh during our adventures.
The meaningful conversations and
secrets shared between us.
The oh so familiar scent of them.
The warmth I felt as their arms
wrapped around me cocooned
in complete peace.
The complete unawareness that
this would be our last one making
this, the greatest masterpiece of all.

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