Magod Scroof

Magod Scroof Poems

In a land of freedom and dreams,
Where liberty's torch always gleams,
Lies the heart of a nation, bold and grand,
Where citizenship proudly takes its stand.

InIn a world obsessed with the external guise,
Where beauty's judged by color and size,
There lies a gem, a rare divine grace,
Love finds its home in an internal space.

On Sinister Heights, where shadows loom,
A chilling tale begins to bloom;
A haunted place, where darkness thrives,
And evil whispers through the lives.

In bustling town where stories unfold,
Lies a street famous, a tale untold,
A place where solace and faith convene,
Church Street, oh, heavenly serene.

In a garden of love, where roses delight,
Their beauty so captivating, a heavenly sight,
Petals like silk, in hues so rare,
Love as roses you glare, with a tender stare.

Hence you see, the world's a tapestry
A mosaic of moments woven gracefully
Each thread carrying a story, untold
As life's mysteries steadily unfold

In galaxies afar they shine,
People of the stars divine.
With stardust in their veins that glow,
A universe in their hearts they show.

In the wild jungle, there was a king so fierce,
His stomach growled, a sound that pierced.
A carnivore, he devoured all in his way,
His hunger unyielding, day after day.

In the heart of the city where dreams embrace,
The beating pulse of streets that race.
A symphony of engines intertwined,
As restless souls chase their piece of mind.

In the realm of hearts, where angels fly,
Where love's pure essence fills the sky,
A story unfolds, a tale unmatched,
Of pure delightful love, forever hatched.

In a world of chaos, she's a dazzling star,
An artist who's known for pushing the bar,
Creative Crazy, the one with a flair,
With a mind that's wild, limitless and rare.

Oyama Sibidla was thinking about Emily wright again. Emily was a smart hero with pretty legs and sticky spots.

Oyama walked over to the window and reflected on his idyllic surroundings. He had always loved magical South Africa Johannesburg South Turffontein with its puny, powerful park. It was a place that encouraged his tendency to feel worried.

In a world of life's catalyst,
A spark ignited, a fire amiss.
For in the silent depths of the soul,
A force emerges, seeking to console.

In a place so low, where shadows creep,
There lived a boy, his spirit weak.
Dictated by others, he obeyed their will,
His dreams suppressed, his hopes distilled.

Forgive me for the pain I caused,
For the tears that fell and dreams we lost.
I truly never meant to hurt you so,
Please believe me, it was never my goal.

In a land of rugged terrain and dusty hue,
There stood a mule, strong and true.
With a coat as smooth as morning dew,
Oh mighty mule, how we admire you!

In a world of peril and strife,
Where darkness casts its shadowed knife,
There arose a hero bold and true,
A beacon of hope, a soul anew.

In the depths of the cosmos, where shadows reside,
A universe wakes with a bright, fierce pride.
Within the vast tapestry of celestial art,
There's a tale to be told of a big bang's start.

Embark upon a journey, oh so grand
To a place called Omgimaru, hidden in this land
A realm of whimsy, where dreams come alive
Where the sun shines brightly and hopes do thrive

In a world where darkness casts its spell,
There shines a team where heroes dwell.
They fight not with swords or guns,
But with compassion and freedom's run.

Magod Scroof Biography

Full name is Oyama Litha Sibidla Making life colorful, one paint stroke at a time.Just a goofy potato lover hatching dreams and spuds.)

The Best Poem Of Magod Scroof

The Citizenship

In a land of freedom and dreams,
Where liberty's torch always gleams,
Lies the heart of a nation, bold and grand,
Where citizenship proudly takes its stand.

A country built on diverse embrace,
From different backgrounds, we forge our space,
For citizenship knows no distinction or tie,
It unites us as one, under the same sky.

With duty and honor, we proudly swear,
To protect and serve, our land's welfare,
To vote and engage, in the democratic's fight,
For citizenship empowers us with might.

Through challenges great, we stay strong,
Together we rise, harmonious and long,
For citizenship knows no borders or divide,
It brings us closer, side by side.

With rights and freedoms, we are blessed,
To speak our minds, to pursue success,
For citizenship grants us the power,
To shape a nation, in each passing hour.

So let us cherish, this sacred creed,
The privilege to serve, the will to lead,
For citizenship is not just a name,
It's the flame of unity, that lights our aim.

Magod Scroof Comments

Magod Scroof Quotes

Don't let fear brack hold of your confidence bring up the happiness within your heart.

The one close to you that can show love and care don't let them go you will just mess up a good relationship.

Don't dizzy your way out of a relationship you'll end up uncomfortable.

'A best friend is like a four leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have'

'Friends are the family we choose for ourselves'

'My soul is consumed with longing for your laws at all times'

'Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight'

'The Lord is my light and my salvation-- whom shall I fear? '

'But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do'

Yo, what's crackin', my friend? How can I elevate your day?

Jail is just a brainwashing system to make you forget about the system you were living before you got arrested.

My tantalizing expansion near your sweet cheeks will overhaul electrifying lust.

My reckless madness with your lost hopes will enrich electrifying lust lives.

My reckless blossoming near your cumquats will overwhelm all hope for eternal love.

My heated craving for your smallest hope will overwhelm a love of rivers of desire.

My uplifting propulsion toward your love bangles will enhance our future eternal psychic connections.

My exciting fondness for your love bangles will beautify overwhelming love licks.

My thrilling agonizing over your precious flowers will overhaul wild rivers of desire.

My accelerated groping of your love bangles will revolutionize heated craving.

My torrid desire for your rose berries will revolutionize all hope for luscious longing.

Let's marry our souls

Let's slow dance with the moon, and feel the stars kiss our eyes.

I love planting kisses in all the forgotten places- between the blades, the curves connecting legs to torso, the calf, the ankle, the nails, the places often ignored by love. This is the lost garden of intimacy, where love grove from lips.

You get my mind naked.

Let's dance our heaven together

Kiss me like you want to taste my soul.

You're the scent I want to wear

I want to drown with your lips, in the ocean of our kiss.

Give me your hand of today, and I'll walk with you, through lifetimes of tomorrow.

I love to look into your eyes. They reflect my happiness.

My honey pie, after God, it's you. I love you more than words can say.

My torrid madness with your love bangles will rush us toward electrifying dastardly love dementia.

My astronomical lusting for your sticky charm will overhaul all hope for luscious longing

Fear is temporary, regret is permanent. Choose to face your fears and live a life without regrets.

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