Rania Qaisara

Rania Qaisara Poems

You look at her,
She always lend a beautiful smile,
With the happiness look on her face

Lonely Black Crow
Why oh why
Did you leave me?
Sang the lonely black crow

Some days, I feel like I'd make a good sunset,
Some days, I just don't wanna give up yet,
Some days, It's hard for me to breath,
Some days, I'm little over being me,

The Best Poem Of Rania Qaisara

The Mask Of A Fake Smile

You look at her,
She always lend a beautiful smile,
With the happiness look on her face
Like nothing was wrong.

You see her always laughing,
With the jokes she made,
Or the jokes that her friend made.
She laugh continuously.
Like nothing was wrong.

The mask she wore,
Everyday and everytime,
The mask that holds thousands of sufferness,
The mask she used to express her happy face,
The mask she used to talk with everyone,
That is the mask,
The fake smile...

The suffer she went through,
Alone by herself,
The sadness
The darkness
The emptiness
The loneliness
The scaryness
The pain
The scars
The bruise
All of it.
In one,
Fake Smile...

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