Ride Poem by Benjamin Zephaniah


Rating: 3.0

We first met on a golden night
As the moon radiated love light
On the dock of the bay.
Somewhere between the real deal and an illusion
We lay unapologetically
Stroking each others lack of responsibility.

'I want to be a poet,'
She said looking over the mountain,
'I want to be a hippy,'
She said checking out me natty dread,
'I want to be political,'
She whispered as she admired my scars,
'I may not look it, but I'm really oppressed,'
She said smiling,
Handing me her welfare book.

The sea lassoed the shore
Time and night hovered towards daylight
And bellyfilled foxes sniffed their way home.
She put the blanket over her head
Farted, and fell asleep.

The next time I saw her
She was trying to find The Goddess of Plenty,
Desperately seeking the freeway
And after me money.
'It's different for women,' she said
'We can use men for their bodies
Men do it to us all the time.'
The next time I saw her
She ran over me with her wheelchair.

Karla Bell 11 October 2012

after watching News night tonight, I decided to look you up, this is the first poem I chose and checked out, and it made me smile and even giggle... I could analyse it and say you meant this and that, but it would not be true to you... You meant what ever you penned and thought, or should I say thought and then penned.... What I love is the use of langauge and down to earth observations of normal everyday people....I will now read more... well when I am not knackered.... loving it... :)

13 5 Reply
Joe Baker 11 May 2013

this poem is actually pretty good

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Sylvia Frances Chan 06 May 2021

Benjamin, the world famous english poet. Truly a man who can stand all time and history and races My highest appreciatuiions!

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Deluke Muwanigwa 11 January 2021

Its a great piece saying a lot of things about racial inequality yet two equal ethnicities in love but percieved and having different privileges. differently

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Dr Antony Theodore 22 June 2020

The next time I saw her She was trying to find The Goddess of Plenty, Desperately seeking the freeway And after me money. She ran over me with her wheel chair. strange again but meaningful. tony

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* Sunprincess * 14 March 2014

We first met on a golden night As the moon radiated love light

3 3 Reply
Asher Smith 26 November 2013

ahahaha.. you made me laugh at the end.. but a touchy one indeed. [3

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