Among All Lovely Things My Love Had Been Poem by William Wordsworth

Among All Lovely Things My Love Had Been

Rating: 2.8

AMONG all lovely things my Love had been;
Had noted well the stars, all flowers that grew
About her home; but she had never seen
A glow-worm, never one, and this I knew.

While riding near her home one stormy night
A single glow-worm did I chance to espy;
I gave a fervent welcome to the sight,
And from my horse I leapt; great joy had I.

Upon a leaf the glow-worm did I lay,
To bear it with me through the stormy night:
And, as before, it shone without dismay;
Albeit putting forth a fainter light.

When to the dwelling of my Love I came,
I went into the orchard quietly;
And left the glow-worm, blessing it by name,
Laid safely by itself, beneath a tree.

The whole next day, I hoped, and hoped with fear;
At night the glow-worm shone beneath the tree;
I led my Lucy to the spot, 'Look here,'
Oh! joy it was for her, and joy for me!

Anil Kumar Panda 10 January 2019

A beautiful poem by a great poet. Loved it.

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Dr. antony theodore 10 January 2019

The great Wordsworth. how many poems did we study at the university . great men of all times.

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Bernard F. Asuncion 10 January 2019

A lovely poem by William Wordsworth............

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Ramesh T A 10 January 2019

Every thing in Nature is a favourite matter for Wordsworth whether it is Star or flower or even glow worm in the storm and his concern for its safety is most important! What a lover of Nature par excellence forever!

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Kaung htet kyaw 14 January 2018

Good health

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Prabir Gayen 11 January 2019

My dear poet my heart's joy...

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Laurie van der Hart 10 January 2019

I hadn’t seen this one before. Just love the cekebration and enjoyment of such a simple thing in nature, and the importance of sharing. My kind of poem!

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Edward Kofi Louis 10 January 2019

About her home! ! Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Ratnakar Mandlik 10 January 2019

Excellent love song depicting joy achieved through fulfilling cherished wish of the beloved. A great poem.

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Adrian Flett 10 January 2019

A love poem by the great poet, so tenderly told.

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William Wordsworth

William Wordsworth

Cumberland / England
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