Awful People Poem by Randy McClave

Awful People

Just this winter thought to remind
Whenever you look out from behind your blind,
When we enter another night of freezing
They're some persons shivering and coughing and sneezing.
With wind and snow you're lucky enough to be sleeping inside
From those winter elements you're able to hide,
It's not because you deserve the warmth any more
It's not that you are better than the homeless and the poor.
You know all about human sacrifice?
The act of using one human for another for a price,
Intended to please or appease the public or jurisdictional demands
So, the wealthy can have warmer hands.
There's a better chance of us all to be poor and needy
Than to ever to become rich and greedy,
So, while those people are freezing on the streets
The rest of us are sleeping happily underneath warm sheets.
We are allowing and forcing humans to literally freeze to death
But, in these cold freezing temperatures we never allow our pets,
Many don't care about the freezing person prayers or hollers
As long as a couple hundred people can have billions of dollars.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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