Balances Poem by Nikki Giovanni


Rating: 4.2

In life
one is always

like we juggle our mothers
against our fathers

or one teacher
against another
(only to balance our grade average)

3 grains of salt
to one ounce truth

our sweet black essence
or the funky honkies down the street

and lately i've begun wondering
if you're trying to tell me something

we used to talk all night
and do things alone together

and i've begun

(as a reaction to a feeling)
to balance
the pleasure of loneliness
against the pain
of loving you

Jasbir Chatterjee 13 September 2012

you are right, Nikki...everything balances out in the end...

28 20 Reply
Natasha Ashwe 25 July 2006

Balancing, making choices, one over the other, what this life is about. The last part gave me a chill. It's so sad when the person you love chooses to become a wrong one. This poem is more sensible than lovely, more wise than beautiful. It's a dart that goes straight to the heart.

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Clara Odelia Ciutara 22 February 2012

i love this poem. so deeply written with truth in every words penned.. great poem!

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Erhard Hans Josef Lang 27 April 2008

This is really a wonderful poem!

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Ladawn Trice 16 March 2012

lovely.... life is a balance... everything is a balance... even pain

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Richard Wlodarski 23 July 2022

A belated Congrats on POD, Nikki! Very well deserved. A very chilling last stanza. Throughout my life, mine intuitive self had always felt loving relationships coming to an end. And like yourself, I had to prepare myself for the balancing act.

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Sandra Feldman 21 July 2022

So rich and deep yet simple. Says so much in the most enchanting, far reaching and delicate human way! Loved this.

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Bharati Nayak 21 July 2022

Congratulations for your poem being selected 'Poem of the Day ' !

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Bharati Nayak 21 July 2022

Yes, we encounter myriad cases in life when we have to balance between two opposite things.I have also posted a poem namely 'Balancing'.Would you like to read the poem?

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Nabakishore Dash 21 July 2022

Balance everywhere in life is highly desirable.CONGRATS.

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Nikki Giovanni

Nikki Giovanni

Knoxville, Tennessee
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