Bus East Poem by Jack Kerouac

Bus East

Rating: 3.7

Society has good intentions Bureaucracy is like a friend
5 years ago - other furies other losses -

trying to control the uncontrollable Forest fires, Vice

The essential smile In the essential sleep Of the children Of the essential mind

all thru playing the American
Now I'm going to live a good quiet life

world should be built for foot walkers

rivers Of spiney Nevady

am Jake Cake
Write like Blake

horse is not pleased Sight of his
gorgeous finery
in the dust Its silken
did disgust

arent kind Kiddies anent sweet

in Nevada - Investigating Dismal Cheyenne Where the war parties
In fields
of straw
Aimed over oxen At Indian Chiefs
In wild headdress Pouring thru
the gap
In Wyoming plain
To make the settlers
Eat more dust than dust
was eaten In the States From East at Seacoast Where wagons made up To dreadful
Of clazer vup

Anxious to masturbate The Mongol Sea (I'm too tired in Cheyenne -
No sleep in 4 nights now, & 2 to go)

Benjamin Biesek 14 November 2012

An Arresting development from Jack

4 4 Reply
Kenneth Ncube 30 May 2014

Nice work and keep it up

2 5 Reply
Sylvia Frances Chan 01 December 2017

His poems speaks straight to you, as the reader. To his family: CONGRATS with his poem BUS EAST as The Poem Of The DAY. I am so sorry for him after having read his entire biography notes here. He is a handsome looking poet. Saddest that he died at the age of 47. A TEN for all his emotions in this amazing poem. May he rest in Peace. Sincerely, Sylvia Frances Chan, Dutch poetess.

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M Asim Nehal 01 December 2018

I fully agree with your comments.....

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Bernard F. Asuncion 01 December 2017

Such a great write by Jack, Kerouac👍👍👍

1 0 Reply
Richard Wlodarski 01 December 2018

Classic Kerouac! Gotta love it! For those of you who like Kerouac, I invite you to my Poetry Page. Search: Kerouac. You'll find 40 poems I've written.

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Edward Kofi Louis 01 December 2018

Unable to Control the muse of nature! ! Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Mahtab Bangalee 12 July 2018

(.....prev) Oh one drop of blood is laughing behind my venomous teeth! I'm civilized! and I only stand on peace feet! And I greet you all to learn from my civilized myth! I'm civilized! I'm civilized! I'm civilized! Really! ! ! oh funny trader crawling as viper! ....

1 0 Reply
Mahtab Bangalee 12 July 2018

I'm American and I'm civilized! Really? I'm European and I'm civilized! Really? I'm Australian and I'm civilized! Really? I'm Asian and I'm civilized! Really? I'm from Antarctica and I'm civilized! Really? I'm only civilized! Really? (cont...)

1 1 Reply
langston 09 March 2018

this is dumb as

1 2 Reply
Jack Kerouac

Jack Kerouac

Lowell, Massachusetts
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