Brooke Renwick

Brooke Renwick Poems

Loneliness is a festering boil.

Say the fullness of my bones,
can be whittled and honed.

What little creatures
live in my garden?
Snails and locusts,
avail by my pardon.

Quitting the puffer in my dreams,
but when I try my body screams.
Telling me to get some nicotine.
I have a blind spot so it seems.

Thousands of megalitres
of silted tidal surge flow in / out
between the forested mountains
and the protected bay of islands.

Love is in the air and,
I want to watch your derriere,
swing as you walk to the
bedroom to get changed,

I dream in vivid color.
I dreamt of grim death.
The Reaper's henchmen,
were gathering the lame.

Romance binds you both.
Two vested interests.
Two partners motivated.
One evolving story.

Would you agree
that we,
[the poets]
have come to see

My girlfriend is good to me!
Sometimes if I'm grumpy
She becomes all sulky.
I must learn to remain happy.

Summer heat is beating me down to the ground.
The radiation of the sun melting my skin.
Winter chill is not really that chilly between sunrise and sunset.
I look forward to the fresh air as it feels clean to breath.

He contemplated his being.
He decided he would try again.
He'd do things differently and
remember his lessons learnt.

All the world's a stage but,
is the starvation just theatrics?
Are the car wrecks part of it too?
Is the hardship real or an act?


The flowering fields,
at the mountains haunch,
provided sanctuary,
and respite.

Lament of melancholy and
sounds of mystique.
Is the music of ancestors
on the winds of time.

A win in always followed by a loss.
Destiny decides and she's the boss.
We need a natural balance created.
And 'anarchists' are truly hated.

Raucous laughter filled the room.
As mum chased him with a wooden spoon.
The little boy spoke too soon,
as his mother cornered the pint-sized goon.

The rush,
consumes a desperado.
And when the croupier,
rolls the dice -

Vailed in years,
their arthritic hands
twisted, knarred.
Fingered branches -

Steadfast stood the nightclub guard,
who's job it was to wait,
and nab the slobbering drunkard,
passing through the gate.

I purchased
blue shoes,
a green beanie,
a tan winter coat and,

Brooke Renwick Biography

I have been in love with a living angel since 1998. She has rescued me. I like playing the guitar and painting / drawing with the computer. Recently I discovered I like writing poetry also.)

The Best Poem Of Brooke Renwick

Ode To Love

Loneliness is a festering boil.

Say the fullness of my bones,
can be whittled and honed.
Can be carved and crushed.
If I displease you and such.
For the sake of simplicity,

I do complain,
But, my faults are all gained,
From the culture at hand.
A culture of such grand, grand

And to you, I will tend,
To avoid the pits of oblivion!
To avoid that path,
where few of us can laugh,
At the pain.

At loneliness.

Brooke Renwick Comments

Brooke Renwick Quotes

I really don't think it's ironic that, in old age we spend our life savings on health. Your surgeon wants a mansion in Brussels.

Let it be! Let these words of wisdom wash over me.

If we move with the light then we move quickly through time. Before we understand this we must question everything and there is most certainly a reason for everything.

Gambler please note: A win is often followed by a loss so that a natural balance is created and all becomes right again within the universe.

'Some people are so poor that all they have is money.' - Bob Marley

Firstly you must dream and then rationalize all of the stress along the way.

There's a good reason why Koala's don't play bouncy - bouncy at the end of long, flexible branches. Animals have a keen sense of intuition.

We work so that we can better appreciate the relaxation time and we get meaning from relaxation time, pursuing hobbies.

Under no circumstances should any form of laughter be directed at a serious man!

I don't believe we are made in God's image. God created the universe and that cannot be comprehended by humans.

Sometimes poetry unwinds on the page effortlessly, barely pausing for breath.

The most difficult time in a person's life is adjusting to the big world after leaving school.

If we think with our muscles we only dig our hole deeper and deeper.

Sometimes things get really serious. I mean like that stern look of the well to do old woman

'But if you know what life is worth, you would look for yours on earth'. Bob Marley

Capitalism is sometimes so, so cruel but consider the current alternatives.

What good is money if we cannot feed the starving?

Something cannot come from nothing. Nothing is nothing. Zero x 1 = zero

If a person has a soul, then there is beauty within that person.

Some parents play good cop - bad cop. Some parents play with the concept of heaven and hell.

If you find I have gone mad, please just give me a tent and a one way trip to the desert.

I know not my mind because I am an aardvark.

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