Tamara Beryl Latham

Tamara Beryl Latham Poems

Pristine waters
often prayers of man.
Replaced by shifting tide
and ebb of sand.

Skeletal frames,
whose beaten hearts
once bore,
the heft of Hitler's war,

What path lies barren
near the weathered oak,
near the graveyard
where the old church stands,


While drought sweeps
across the Serengeti,

We moved through a city
whose neon lights flashed
life on the street,
obscure to some;

Her form holds the scent of Jasmine,
slight like Laura Wingfield and fragile as pieces
of a Crystal menagerie.

Rest in Peace

Queen Elizabeth II (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary)
April 21,1926 - September 8,2022

Unrelenting sun, Tennessee.
Lava ball flung into the sky,
red as the pits of hell and twice as hot,
sweating out our souls in mid-July.

Music resonates in the air tonight.
Violins play 'The Starlight Symphony; '
their notes gently hushed, a sweet refrain,
while flutes enhance the cello's harmony.

Sand that fills the hourglass
scattered densely thru the sky,
blown by some eternal wind
into some mere mortal's eye.

A falcon landed on my porch
and looked me in the eye.
There were no others at the house,
there were no passersby.

Two silhouettes embrace in early sun.
Viewed as shadows on the garden wall.
A sacred bond exists, one might infer.
She loves him as much as he loves her.

Anticipating each half-note he brings
to life, her fingers stretch to find the grooves.
Perfection springs, as sound is bounced from strings,
then quickly as Baryshnikov, she moves.

May peace be upon you, Dad

How dim
the summer sky

The Trinity is composed of three separate or interchangeable entities under one Godhead.

E = mc^2 is representative of Albert Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity, but it also defines the family unit that God intended for all of mankind.

The Darkest Halloween

Under cloak of a midnight sky,
on Halloween; the moon was full.

What they did to me was unspeakable:
a criminal act really.
And they know who they are,
as does He.

We're saddened when 'they' give themselves the prize
referred to as the literary throne;
how ironic prior to 'their' demise,
'they' find the time to pass it to 'their' own -

The edge of dawn creeps in with sunlit glow
to sweep soft light on one lone swaying pine,
whose needles spread majestic in the snow,
some random while still others there align.

Tamara Beryl Latham Biography

SCIENCE Retired Research and Development Chemist Organic Pharmaceutical and Medicinal chemistry - Research and development of novel and innovative drugs. Neuro-Oncology - Particle Accelerator (Cyclotron Hot Cell) , Synthesis of 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-D-glucose (2-FDG) for radiolabeling with the positron emitter Fluorine-18 for computer imaging (PET scan) . Analytical chemistry (Dental industry) - Novocol Chemical Mfg. Co., Brooklyn, N.Y. Analysis of lidocaine and mepivacaine with 2% epinephrine, benzocaine and others according to the U.S. Pharmacopeia and National Formulary. Analysis of water for injection, autoclave, quality control, Science Publications and U.S. Patents Published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, such as Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry and Synlett. Presented ongoing research at American Chemical Society poster sessions. US Patent - Cancer antiemetic - Patent number: 5262537 MILITARY U.S. Navy (WAVES) - Vietnam Veteran - Top Secret Message Center, Quonset Point Naval Air Station, Quonset Point, Rhode Island National Defense Medal, Amos Alonzo Stagg Award Born: July 31, Brisbane. Australia, - Astrology sign: Leo, Gemstone: Ruby POETRY Former Forum Moderator - Classical poetry - Moontown Cafe.com 2008+ Who's Who, Who's Who in Science and Engineering, Who's Who of American Women, Who's Who in the World. Songs of Innocence, Penny Dreadful, Michael Pendragon, Editor. Latham, Tamara B. (chron.) POEM PUBLICATIONS * The Autumn of Farewell, (pm) Songs of Innocence #4,2001 * The Blue Letters, (pm) Songs of Innocence #4,2001 * The Branding Iron, (pm) Penny Dreadful #14,2001 * Destiny, (pm) Penny Dreadful #10,1999 * For Edmond, (pm) Songs of Innocence #2,1999 * I Do Hear You, Love, (pm) Penny Dreadful #12,2000 * I'll Meet You There, (pm) Songs of Innocence #5,2004 * Lost Dreams, (pm) Songs of Innocence #1, Summer 1999 * Lost Souls, (pm) Penny Dreadful #9,1999 * Lovers Lost, (pm) Penny Dreadful #13,2000 * The Midnight Hour, (pm) Penny Dreadful #11, Autumn 1999 * On Love, (pm) Penny Dreadful #12,2000 * Requiem in Blue, (pm) Penny Dreadful #13,2000 * Shadow Fields, (pm) Songs of Innocence #2,1999 * Symphony of Death, (pm) Penny Dreadful #9,1999 * Thornbird, (pm) Penny Dreadful #12,2000 * Through Winter Woods, (pm) Songs of Innocence #2,1999 * Until Death, (pm) Songs of Innocence #1, Summer 1999 * Veronica (Villanelle) , (pm) Songs of Innocence #4,2001 * We Two Ships, (pm) Songs of Innocence #4,2001 Published, as well, in Tucumcari Literary Review, (N.M.) , Troxey Kemper, Editor, Raintown Review (N.M.) , Harvey Stanbrough, Editor, High Tide annual poetry publication of the Milford Fine Arts Council (Milford, CT) , Kevin, Madeline Salustri, Stanley Kavan, Tony Fusco, et al. publication collaborators and also published in many poetry anthologies.)

The Best Poem Of Tamara Beryl Latham

Crosswords Of Death

Pristine waters
often prayers of man.
Replaced by shifting tide
and ebb of sand.

Dying flowers
lack of aqueous drink.
Exposed in hues of rose
and wilted pink.

Streams flow sacred
through this barren plane.
Enhanced by drizzling light
and shades of rain.

In this landscape
most take their last breath.
Reposed in flickering sun
and light of death.

Tamara Beryl Latham Comments

Tamara Beryl Latham Quotes

'Truth, like light, is often slanted'... Tamara Beryl Latham ©

When we fail to use our brains, the losses far outweigh the gains.

Do it yourself and you'll only have yourself to blame.

They say it's black, you say it's brown, I say it's brindle. We all see the same thing through different eyes.

Only lend money you can afford to lose because, more than likely, you will.

Revenge is the fool's way of dealing with pain.

Don't be afraid to take advice from a fool: sometimes he's smarter than you.

The ones who are dwarfed by glass ceilings, bump their heads, break through on the way up, then emerge as giants.

A wish is but a dream we never share.

Don't tell me what I cannot do, let me show you what I can.

'If you are reluctant to take advice from a fool, don't be! Oftentimes he is just a reflection of you.'

'A liar's truth, like light, is always bent.'

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