The Introverted Soul: A Garden, A Puzzle, A Storm Poem by Noen Muti

The Introverted Soul: A Garden, A Puzzle, A Storm

In the stillness of my soul,
I find solace in the quiet.
The world outside may clamor loud,
But here, I am content to be mute.

The whispers of my thoughts,
Are music to my ears.
The rustling of my heart,
Is a symphony that soothes my fears.

I am a garden, untended and wild,
But in my heart, I bloom.
A flower that thrives in the shadows,
A beacon that guides the gloom.

I am a puzzle, with pieces missing,
But in my heart, I am whole.
A masterpiece, incomplete but beautiful,
A work of art, waiting to be told.

I am a storm, brewing within,
But in my heart, I am calm.
A hurricane, that rages and subsides,
A force, that's never been tamed.

I am a mystery, waiting to be solved,
But in my heart, I am known.
A paradox, that's both complex and simple,
A riddle, that's waiting to be shown.

I am an introvert, a contradiction,
But in my heart, I am true.
A puzzle, that's waiting to be solved,
A mystery, that's waiting to be pursued.

In the stillness of my soul,
I find my truest self.
A place where I am free to be,
A place where I am myself.

So, here I stand, in the quiet,
A garden, a puzzle, a storm.
A mystery, waiting to be solved,
A paradox, waiting to be formed.

But in my heart, I am whole,
A masterpiece, waiting to be told.
A work of art, waiting to be seen,
A soul, waiting to be sold.

For in the stillness of my soul,
I find my truest self.
A place where I am free to be,
A place where I am myself.

Friday, November 17, 2023
Topic(s) of this poem: famous poets,poems,introvert,freedom,soul
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