Tiana Isaac

Tiana Isaac Poems

Not again
If only I knew
I gave all, laid all
With the thought of home

Take me, take me my love
Hold me, and I will forever be in your arms
Sing to me your love and I will dance to your rhythm
Play me your drum of love and my shoes will never wear out from being in perfect harmony with your beat

Death constantly knocking on my door
Pay your debt
Give your life
That's the wages of sin

Not by power, not by might
Not by my ability, not my capability
My strength has failed
My strength will fail

My letter
That's my letter

Hi love,


Peace, it's a sound
Peace, it's a whisper
Peace, it's a beautiful song

Nothing else satisfies
Nothing else fills the void
Nothing else takes your place
Nothing else

Shine brighter
Yes, you
Shine brighter
Make that bold step

Oh dear heart
I know you want to share
I know you want to be knitted with another
I know you want to smile so sheepishly

Somedays I want the cuddling
Somedays I want the distance
Somedays I can't get enough of you
Somedays I've had enough

The lover who never leaves
Seated right beside me all the time
Never letting me off His sight
Deserted, chasing my lust and craving

The fierce fire
The raging storm threatening
The waves overwhelming me
The turbulent sea seem to swallow me

I still carry the anger
I still carry the hurt
I still nurse the pain
The betrayal

When it's raining
I'd be your sunshine in the rain
When you are cold
I'd be your sunshine to keep you warm

Arise, shine for thy light is come
And the Glory of the LORD is risen upon you
So long has darkness ravaged me
Sitting in the corner of its cell whimpering and wishing.


I wanted more
More than you could imagine
But even before it truly started
You threw it all away

I glow, I shine
I illuminate, I enlighten
I am the flying star
Just look up, you'd find me smiling endlessly at you


At a glimpse of you, every iota of darkness disappears
At the thought of your presence, beauty is born
You illuminate
You make alive

As long as it was in my head
It made perfect sense
We smiled

The old time religion
Give me the old time religion
A time where love was sincere
And sex was sacred

The Best Poem Of Tiana Isaac

Not Again

Not again
If only I knew
I gave all, laid all
With the thought of home
Willingly I let down my guard
I was home I thought
No more worries
All my worries gone
Just when I thought this flower will bloom beautifully
The raging storm blown vehemently taking it away
Oh my, this pain again
Betrayed, broken in pieces, unwilling to try love again
Oh why why why
Not again
Oh not again

Tiana Isaac Comments

Tiana Isaac Quotes

Never be too quick to share your dreams, let them hatch and reveal themselves.

Struggle is inevitable when GOD is not the mastermind.

You can only truly love when it's birthed from within you.

Heal, then love again Still broken? heal, then love again.

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