Still Waiting Poem by Gerry Legister

Still Waiting

Rating: 4.9

Every sixty seconds spent waiting,
On the reality to obtain promises,
Could be a minute of inheritance gone?
Never to come back and take chances.

More time may elapse after still waiting,
And you may grow faint and weary,
But preserved confidence in expecting,
Fulfilment of promise to make you happy.

Keep waiting to inherit the promises,
For this is what patience implied,
If we believe, faith preserves appearances,
To see the glory for which others has died.

Sitting awake in the dark still waiting,
Being who I am claiming to be,
The solitude of memory is everything,
A secret at the time belong in me.

On a trail where mystery is what I am doing here,
As if watching silent glimpse of myself,
The waiting goes on around the next corner,
Always passing the enterprises I felt.

Kim Barney 01 June 2016

Fascinating poem, Gerry. Congratulations for having it selected as Poem of the Day!

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Khairul Ahsan 24 June 2016

A nice poem that has been deservedly selected for the honor. 'Sitting awake in the dark still waiting, Being who I am claiming to be, The solitude of memory is everything, A secret at the time belong in me..' - Loved this stanza particularly more.

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M Asim Nehal 07 June 2016

Many congrats for this honour...It rightly deserves.

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Kevin Patrick 01 June 2016

Exceptionally crafted work, a good meditation on the benefits of patience. Great selection for Poem of the day!

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Clarence Prince 01 June 2016

There is hope! Keep the faith! ! As It is written: Wait I say, wait on the Lord, and He shall strengthen thine heart..

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Chinedu Dike 28 May 2018

The essence and intricacies of patience as in waiting are aptly captured in the piece. An insightful work of art. Thanks for sharing Gerry.

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Congrats my friend. I am happy for you that this creative composition was selected as poem of the day!

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Onuora Ilodibe 17 August 2016

With faith waiting is worth it, even though hope deferred makes the heart sick. Beautiful poem

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Sita Madu-Wynn 03 August 2016

well penned! ! ! I enjoyed reading it.

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Bhargabi Dei Mahakul 06 July 2016

Watching silent glimpse of self in next corner of waiting is mysterious but reality touches mind in waiting and poems come out. Awaking in the dark and proceeding towards light is definitely life's aim. Waiting for God is great in sense. Very amazing poem this is...I am rating 10 for this.

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Gerry Legister

Gerry Legister

Silver Spring, Westmorland, Jamaica
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