Acrylic Sight Poem by Paul Hartal

Acrylic Sight

Rating: 4.9

"The surgery is a short and quite a painless procedure",
the opthalmologist said. "We apply highly precise laser
technology. You will be out of the clinic in less than an

The painter looked at the machine.
It looked dreadfully intimidating.
But he said nothing.

"The device employs beams of high intensity",
the surgeon said. "It works with amplified light
by stimulated emission of radiation."

The painter remained silent.

Then the ophtalmologist began the cataract surgery.
He was a skillful operator. The laser beam was sharper
than knife and the doctor made with it four equal cuts
around the cornea.

Then with an ultrasonic probe he shattered
the painter's eye lens, which through the years
had been affected by progressive opacity.
The surgeon removed the worn-out old lens
and replaced it by a brand new acrylic lens.

When the painter left the hospital
he could hardly believe how the world suddenly became
so bright. His vision now was unclouded and crystal clear.

It did not take long and he took his palette and paint box
and his brushes and everything else he needed
and he went to the mountains.

Here the artist set up his easel on the rocky shore
of a blue lake. Now viewing the beautiful landscape
through his new acrylic lens, he took a deep breath
in the fresh, crisp morning air and emitted a deep sigh.

Surrounded by the magnificent beauty of nature
in all its glory, he watched for a while the emerald
green forest and the well- defined edges of the white
cumulus clouds and the flight of birds in the azure sky.

And then he started to paint the alluring scenery
in acrylic.

Sunday, October 5, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: art
Kim Barney 19 October 2018

Very nice, Paul. My wife just had this surgery so this poem was especially meaningful to me. Congratulations for having this selected as member poem of the day!

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Bernard F. Asuncion 19 October 2018

Paul, such a touching poem of the day........... Congrats for being chosen.10++++++++++++

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Edward Kofi Louis 19 October 2019

Muse of a surgery! ! Mind of an Artist. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Kevin Patrick 26 April 2019

A detailed and heartfelt poem, the story has a lot of emotional weight, if this is your life the kudos for laying it down for us to experience. To be an artist and suffer cataracts is denying oxygen for life. The ending was heart was triumphant, Im glad the artist was given a second sight, and we the reader were given this wonderful story. Fantastic piece.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 19 October 2018

CONGRATULATIONS! An amazing and informative poem is selected as the poem of the day. Magnificent beauty of nature motivates many. His acrylic painting is definitely captured well...10

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Ratnakar Mandlik 19 October 2019

An ophthalmologist's precision embedded in poem is really an innovative theme. Congrats on poem of the day.

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Mahtab Bangalee 19 October 2019

Acrylic Sight painted a beautiful insight excellent poem penned

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Malabika Ray Choudhury 19 October 2019

Excellent poem - so detailed poetic depiction of a surgery and the way a painter looks at the world with his acrylic lenses! Congratulations!

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Kim Barney 19 October 2019

A wonderful poem. Congrats for having it selected AGAIN as member poem of the day!

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Bharati Nayak 19 October 2019

The beginning of the poem made me as fearful as the artist who was going to have his eye surgery.At the end it was great relief to know that it was a very successful surgery that gave the painter a new life . Congratulations for a beautiful Poem of the Day!

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