Two Travellers Poem by ANJANDEV ROY

Two Travellers

Rating: 4.6

Two travellers had travelled a long way,
They became weary and exhausted,
At night they took shelter in an inn,
They lay in the same bed
And dreamt different dreams in their sleepy realm.
One traveller dreamt an evil dream,
Fear and anxiety thoroughly grabbed his mind;
Another wayfarer dreamt a very pleasant dream,
He slept with great ease and comfort at night.
In the morning they woke up with different feelings,
And expressed to each other about their dissimilar dreams
In the previous night,
Dream itself smiled aside,
As it knew how to cast its separate spells on different men.

Sunday, May 19, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: dream
Julia Luber 04 June 2019

Fabulous poem about the difference of what is going on in two peoples' minds during their dreams despite how close they are in bed. Great way to understand the difference of all people and what is going on in their minds and how poetry starts to bring us together, taking over the dream world with at least similar words. But how different all our dreams must be despite. Thank you for sharing! Excellent poetry!

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Dr Dillip K Swain 19 April 2020

A captivating piece of work! My great pleasure reading this magnificent poem time and again!

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Jayatissa K.Liyanage 04 June 2019

Dream itself smiled aside, As it knew how to cast its separate spells on different men..............clearly expresses all about it. What dream means, depends on the individual. Well knitted profoundly expressed beautiful poem on a quite common life event. x

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 04 June 2019

A fascinating and meaningful poem. Sometimes our thoughts are expressed in dreams. And sometimes dreams could be interpreted and guide us towards the path of life. Well conveyed and executed write.

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Dr Dillip K Swain 08 December 2019

It's an elegant piece of poetry dear Anjandev! My pleasure revisiting it

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Koffi B Sossou 05 November 2023

Nice poem! This is the mystery of life. Everybody is unique.

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Nosheen Irfan 22 September 2023

Interesting. One dream can have different implications and consequences. Great piece!

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Denis Mair 17 July 2023

Individuation is some kind of slick trick that distracts us from our ground of commonality. When you wake up, you still have to work through it.

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Congratulations, Anjandev, on being featured as the most popular poet along with our Kavikulapati Kumarmani Mahakulji. All the best Sir. You have taken the position of Asim Nehal, who is also among the best poets we have on PoemHunter

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Pallavi Tripathi 14 March 2023

Realm of dreams is mysterious, you just showed that!

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