Brown mbadiwe

Brown mbadiwe Poems

1. With each golden breath, the life goes by, counting the cost we glow by.
Down, rivers and streams

2. A pity, pretty party galore.A glamour untold, so many adversary unfaced.

1. Anywhere, everywhere, I scream you scream. Just an international monkey.

2. Wherever, i dont mind. Anywhere, i cry, Just an international monkey.

1. The Legends in life
They've lived before, the death
A gone glory.

1. As singing rain, we hope for the better.
Drops of drones ahead.
Smiles shelter secured.

1. Friends led to the ship, tied to chains. In solace we're matched as flocks.

2. Sang with our heart and mind, across turbulent times and water.

A day in fall, i fell
Too much to beat, beating
Down in Glory

A rise after fall, hands askew
Beating not to fall
Up in Glory

This is love, it cuts through. This is death, it cuts through, the tender destiny

Our destination in grace, in graves of pure romance. The Jewel we live, in life

1. This is goodbye, my love, my friend. Don't say goodbye, my enemy.
I will love you, if this goodbye

2. A crazy moment in love, am here.

1. The alarm for slumber, to awake in peace, in one piece to our glory
No time for bed

2. Having heavy hearts, a looming cloud, a time to run, a time for bed.

1. A common culture
It's a common culture
An Open culture

1. I played, i played, so said the cub to its mother. Such a fantastic time with billy the baby goat.

2. Had such a wonderful time in the fields with the cub, i played with cub today excited billy said to his mother.


1. A day to be glad, with tears, through a heart full of dreams. To see Today, in light or darkest hour.
I saw Today

2. My day, longs to come, I see it, with drenched heart, clouded eyes.


1. Tell me your dreams.
Your dreams of sorrow, of joy.
Untold stories of love and despair

1. The breath after the party
A morsel before hunger
Eyes after the party.

1. One too little
A little, too little
My peeping little days

1. A word from mummy
One, Two, Three

2. A word from daddy

1 Crafty the wise, the mother.
Her shadows play out.
What of her children?
Crafty the wise.

1. My golden day are running, no memories bittersweet Saga. Nostalgic on a fairy tale, going home no sweet home.

2. Plenty memories to live by, plenty, enough. On a silver lining, a thin layer of death and life

1. Run, run, run, we're all hiding from the naked rain.

2. Cry, cry, cry, when hiding from the naked rain.

The Best Poem Of Brown mbadiwe

Rivers And Streams

1. With each golden breath, the life goes by, counting the cost we glow by.
Down, rivers and streams

2. A pity, pretty party galore.A glamour untold, so many adversary unfaced.
Down, rivers and streams

3. Playing with pipes, we forget the times. Our crazy times, good and bad I leave by a moment
Down, rivers and streams

4. Pick your times, I do mine, with hopeful heart it hides a tear.
Down, rivers and streams.

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