D.N. Rebb

D.N. Rebb Poems

Left my home town just before six am
The right thumb was my only ride
Someone finally stopped, thank you ma'am
Heading to the city that has nothin' to hide


I once wanted it all
But now search no more
As I let inner peace soar
And watch others now crawl

Is your sky still blue,
Mr. President?
Telling nonsense truth
Of fake news you dreamt

No choice on being born, no pick on the given scene
Hidden skills discovered on life's journey; the world, too, unaware
As the years go by, for some, death's a reward, or perhaps a refreshment
Reminisce running bare through the field, never alone though

I thought the path would lead to a more familiar purpose
Wandering in silence; alone
I used to enjoy the soundtrack of the birds,
The freshness of the sun,

I write really bad poetry
Someone called me dilettante
No idea what that even meant
So I had looked it up to see

With eyes wide open
Leering the acoustical ceiling
Unable to communicate
Counting every hole in each tile

Your laces are untied
You could trip n' fall
And hurt yourself
So why not just

You're like a poem waiting to be written
Like a luscious fruit, yet not forbidden
A golden statue for all to worship
A fine speckle of yellow gold stirred up

The room, consumed in mournful silence
Labored breathing echoes between the concrete walls
Out in the lobby, plenty of action, in here it feels timeless

Going through life like a calm breeze
Balancing struggles to keep things at ease
Achieving little goals for us to appease
Finding lost time to continue to breathe

I talk to myself,
But whisper back
The inner voice whispers back

But, but, but why?
Why, Daddy, why?
But, but, but why?
Why, Mommy, why?

Following the direction of the howling wind,
Guiding to meet that destiny.
Though the end has already been written.
Fearful exposed realism erupting while venturing too far from the marked path.


The room is silent
Apart from
The sound of the ticking clock
It's two a.m.

After the first day of spring,
In beautiful Williamsville
How many years has it been?
Since those pale grey eyes instilled


Mister policeman has been taught not to be a racist
Blind hatred was the lesson on the third day he missed
His pale white skin restricts him from certain neighborhoods
Membership to the club that meets monthly in the woods

Blue collar blues
Only in love with you
Could I ever afford your dues?
If only I knew

Thanks for the advice, Charles
Writing makes anyone question their morals
Composing poetry is a bit of an addiction
Penning in verse separates real facts from fiction

Uncomplicated faces are easy to read
Informal recitals must surely still proceed
A medieval summon, to which eldest agrees
Sensitive words delivered without guarantee

D.N. Rebb Biography

Dieter Norbert Rebowski, originally born in Germany, now resides with his wife in Ontario Canada. Together they had raised four children into adults and are now in the grandparent stage of life. D.N. Rebb (or Diane, as his friends call him) started writing in 2020 to kill boredom during the Covid lock-down and has since self-edited/published a series of poetic books called Written Words, and the first book of an upcoming series called Poetry Between The Prose And 'Logues Of Nefunk. (available through Amazon) . (D.N. Rebb is also a complete pseudonym!))

The Best Poem Of D.N. Rebb


Left my home town just before six am
The right thumb was my only ride
Someone finally stopped, thank you ma'am
Heading to the city that has nothin' to hide
My heart and wallet were both empty
Only hope and inspiration led the way
The old lady was kind and handed me a twenty
But she was heading to the other side of the bay
So, I kept hitching and it started to rain
Finally a transport stopped, says he's going my way
He was an interesting chap, with one smart brain
Testing of what he had learned in all the yesterdays
He entertained me with his hearty singing
In perfect rhythm with the interval wipers
Smiling, I tried to keep the beat with simultaneous clapping
Just adored this remarkable man's artistic flair
When not melodic, he talked about inner peace
Said, no one can take away what is ultimately yours
It has no value for anyone to unkindly cease
Only let God muddle with your inner affairs
No one ever spoke of religion where it all made sense
This dear man must have had Jesus on his side
Then he spoke of his dead wife, which made him quite tense
In silence we drove on, the topic leaving him very teary-eyed
We reached downtown as the morning sun came up
He pulled over and told me something I'll never forget
If you're thirsty, don't be afraid to hold out your cup
Every storm will eventually stop being upset
Appointed time does heal all superficial wounds
And the lord will always be beside you when you're down
Know of the ones you need to make amends
When things get hectic, just don't frown
The sun will come up again tomorrow
There's always new auspicious beginnings
And with that, he said he had to go
And he left me on the side of the road grinning

D.N. Rebb Comments

D.N. Rebb Quotes

Every once in a while I need to eat at Arby's to remind myself that I don't like eating at Arby's.

The difference between religion and faith is you only need two things, the Creator and prayer, in faith. The rest, which at times breeds animosity and hate, is religion.

Don't fret too much for the Top 1% Earners; if the rich stop getting richer, we're all in trouble.

True love is like the moon. Sometimes there's only a glimpse; but it's always there.

He who is late for dinner, must eat what is left over.

Maybe Adonis was just gay.

When a man is down, and he knows it, he doesn't need to be stepped on

You'd be better off if you stop thinking you deserve better

Some say God is a woman; perhaps, Satan is too.

Remember, only U can turn a moose into a mouse.

Let love remain beautiful; but let sex be dirty forbidden sin

You can't give an answer, if you didn't understand the question

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