Spectrogram Of A Pictorial Poem (Translation By Prof. Ghulam Jilani Asghar Poem by Naseer Ahmed Nasir

Spectrogram Of A Pictorial Poem (Translation By Prof. Ghulam Jilani Asghar

Rating: 4.8

The walls have come out of doors
Narrows are the passages, many are the footprints
On the steep rock where the sun lies half reclined
Jumping over one's shadow, falling headlong
Is the ultimate truth, nothing new about it
Dreaming some old dream
Eyes know not how much water has come out
Of their oceanic depths.
It is easy to cross a river
but how difficult it is to find a foothold on its banks.
Passing through the vicinity of human settlements
the pathways of history meander through
Fields, meadows, and vineyards and disappear
in the rise and fall of women.
Before the new crops come in
Weather keeps on changing.
Profound thoughts are for the Elect
and death for all!
Failure to compose a poem
is not the tragedy of the poet
when life is face to face with perpetual death
Death is reduced to a worn out cliché
Watering of the bygone days
yields nothing but heartrending toil.
Before we are discovered in our state of loneliness
from some star beyond our ken
Come! Let's scramble through the portals of the
Decaying buildings manned by enslaved
Souls, whose bodies are wrapped in dust
and bones have turned brittle
And just a gesture from the hand
Will bring them down to their feet.
The birds of clouds
and fluffs of rains
are not far away from the reach of the weather satellite.

Poem by: Naseer Ahmed Nasir,1994.
Translated from Urdu into English by Prof. Ghulam Gilani Asghar.
Copyrights (C) All rights reserved.

Monday, October 26, 2009
Topic(s) of this poem: history,loneliness,philosophy,poetry,weather
Michelle Barrington 26 November 2009

a very good poem, thanks for showing it to me.

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Beka ? ? ? 25 November 2009

good right..good flow nicely done

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Claude H Oliver Ii 25 November 2009

'Death is reduced to a worn out cliche'- a concise understanding of perpetual death. Thought provoking metaphors - good write.

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Sonya Florentino 25 November 2009

quite dark...deep and mind provoking.....

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Sarah Franks 25 November 2009

I vote for this wonderful peice, its amazing and lovely

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Obed Souza 06 August 2012

It´s been a long time... I´ve missed your poems! And then, I´ve hit this beautiful one. For the existencialist death makes life senseless, for the believer death grants us the opportunity to face eternity... As always, Good in-depth poems... obed R. Souza

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Dr. Sonal Chhaya 11 January 2010

Death is reduced to a worn out cliché ...very well penned.Thanks for sharing..

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Christopher Murphy 03 December 2009

Well written....some really good lines... a nice length but not too long.

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Paolo Giuseppe Mazzarello 30 November 2009

I believe spectre was a limited company that wanted to waste all the world in a movie with 007, could we do its spectrogram? Mr. Nasir seems to have done it, good.

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young writer Athira 26 November 2009

''failure to compose a poem is not a tragedy of the poet''................ great words..........thanks for inviting me to read it......10/10

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