** My Mother ** Poem by ANJALI SINHA

** My Mother **

Rating: 5.0

Do you know
what thou art to me?
Do u?
Not only the one
Who gave me birth
Thou art ineffable, Sunaina, O, Sunaina
The most beautiful eyes.
Thine eyes more resplendent than
The brightest sun on earth
Thine are those eyes
Through which I see
This plenary universe.

Thou are that opal and saphhire
a light which shines aglitter
to show me
of my wandering wayward deeds.
Love to me, you taught to give
For each and evey one indeed.
No colour, caste or creed
Just love and love to all who need.

Thou teachest me
To walk the portals of
Rules of proper thought.
Not to do all desipient things I ought
Like whose my creator
And whose my all.
Thou sat by me
Through all my twaddle
Like sliced with knife
Those interminable years
Like springs and fountains
of water so pellucid so clear
Teaching me
the ABCs of life.

All these years
thou my guiding star,
and will guide me
for many more,
as I drive
these totiled highways
and junctions of life
Through thickest and thin
thou supported me
Wrong, when I did
thou spanked me though
nay, no regrets,
none do I have,
for all those spankings
Cos that’s what made me-
This solid granite
Me- what I am today.

Never shall I miss thee
Lo, in the vales of years beneath
you’re always in my heart
Not only as my mother
But best friend
Philosopher and guide

Sometimes I grudge
and misunderstand thee
but I have my compunction,
Pardon me for that transgression,
No matter how old,
I am but your child,
thine infant
Nay, thy babe
For ever and for ever.

(P.S. Sunaina in hindi means beautiful eyes.)

(Dedicated to all Mothers for the Mother's Day)


Rup Pokharel 16 August 2009

...God cannot be everywhere so he made mothers.... Great tribute towards mothers.. Thank you for your pious art

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Swatimalya Chattopadhyay 04 August 2009

Anjali, I read it earlier also, even before our 'message' acquaintance, but today I read it with rapt attention. The word ' mother' means a lot to me (perhaps to anybody) and I am just mesmerized.It is beautifully composed coupled with nice metaphors. You have brought out the inner words of any child of any age towards his/her mother. Much above 10.

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Akram Awadat 26 July 2009

good work, i love it a lot thanks for nice sharing 10+

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Braja K Sarkar 18 July 2009

Wonderful tribute to all mothers on Mothers day..A nice poem to feel the human touch..Some few old english words could be avoided to step with the running time. Thanks to dear Anjali. You have touched the hearts of all mothers.

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Jerine James 14 July 2009

hey anjali.. honestly any tribute to mothers is not enough. i dont think you and me or other can find enough words to potray their love and scarifice they had for us.. no matter how many yrs passed. awesome... writing.. lovely

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Sparkling with splendor and bursting with beauty. Wonderful words Anjali! My only regret that I did not read it to my mother before she died.100/10

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Debasish Mishra 14 February 2010

A remarkable reflection of a remarkable relationship! ! !

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Ranjit Ravindran 03 November 2009

Mom..Sweet Mom. Given a chance we can keep on describing our Moms till all the space is taken up and surprisingly we'll still have things left out to mention. good job Anjali. A sweet 10. Ranjit.

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Anand Madhukar 22 September 2009

A sweetly innocent write and a lovely dedication.

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Dom N. Kafley 05 September 2009

very cute. very sweet poem. what a lovely art of making the word dance in meaningful strings of poem! ! . voted 10+++

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