Olive Branch - In Top 500 Poem by ANJALI SINHA

Olive Branch - In Top 500

Rating: 4.9

Hii’s, Hellos, Heys, sweet serenades,
Burn them, the cinerary will show
They have no meaning.

Am the effulgent sun, and u my Adonis ray,
Am the vesper moon, and you my matinal sway.
You my path, and I a pilgrim.
I walked in you, and discovered the path of heavens.
Now when truth prevails,
You show the door
And camouflage your love
In the fruits of this moor.

You forget, you my fragrance.
That elysian happiness will inebriate.
Come what may,
Inhale, and anaesthetise,
Dreaming of you
Day and night.

What if I climb up the steep hills of paradise,
Set the Thames on fire,
Witness a fall,
And slither into a cavern of nigrescent solitude.
Will you take up the gauntlet?
Will you cross over that ocean of barriers? ,
Break the ice and seek my hand.

Without you, life is vacuous,
Don’t vapulate me with your intimidations,
The hiatus will only increase.
How much more am I going to pin my faith on you,
All this, while u lead me by my nose,
You’re a hard nut to crack,
Its like pouring oil on troubled waters.

Don’t set me to that Baptism of fire (agnipariksha in hindi)
Lets bury the hatchet,
accept my olive branch


Mark R Slaughter 01 March 2009

Anjali you are without doubt a highly accomplished poet. I like that breadth of vocabulary you use to enhance your messages. Great write. I hope you keep posting new poems. Mark

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Ridge Cahill 08 December 2008

Wow! Utterly magical. Wrought with such truth, beautiful angst and sincerity.

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Ahmad Shiddiqi 13 November 2008

gorgeous! very nice! keep writing! could you read and comment on my poems too, specially the new ones? Thank you.

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Raunak Sharma 17 October 2008

Love ur life coz life is a long journey to go. Life is a game yet to be played more. Life is a question yet to be answered more. Life is a challenge yet to be faced more. So live ur life as long as u can. Every moment is lovable in life.

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Shalabh Gupta 28 September 2008

great imagination n choice of words.....kudos 2 u

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Ouida Williams-Gee 17 March 2017

I love this website, I am going to share it with relatives and friends! ! !

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Tender tone that trumpets the therapeutic truth of peace and love. Wonderfully worded my friend!

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Saadat Tahir 12 June 2009

thought i ll dig deeper today an do an old one of yours All this, while u lead me by my nose, You’re a hard nut to crack, sundar...shairi great poetry cheers an ten

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another amasing write..lovely flow of words..it's again a fig soaked in honey

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Ken E Hall 27 March 2009

your olive branch so luvli to read +++10.... for me the last line the best, excuse the Yorkshire luv regards uavanice1

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