Love Is... Poem by Adrian Henri

Love Is...

Rating: 3.5

Love is...

Love is feeling cold in the back of vans

Love is a fanclub with only two fans

Love is walking holding paintstained hands

Love is.

Love is fish and chips on winter nights

Love is blankets full of strange delights

Love is when you don't put out the light

Love is

Love is the presents in Christmas shops

Love is when you're feeling Top of the Pops

Love is what happens when the music stops

Love is

Love is white panties lying all forlorn

Love is pink nightdresses still slightly warm

Love is when you have to leave at dawn

Love is

Love is you and love is me

Love is prison and love is free

Love's what's there when you are away from me

Love is...

Love Is...
Robert Burns 04 May 2012

Love is Adrian Henri, left undone, for the rest of us, to be made into fun. Robert Burns, Portland, Oregon

18 9 Reply
Thomas Duncky 04 May 2012

'Love's what's there when you are away from me' True lines, never read anything describing love in so a practical way.10/10

23 4 Reply
Abhiraj Rajadhyaksha 06 May 2012

I love the climax... I mean this poem doesn't have a proper climax. It is left on a very uncertain note. But that's the beauty of it: D Amazing work

13 9 Reply
Sakura Midori 02 October 2005

i liked your poem a lot! your lines stick with me because they are beautiful in their simplicity

16 6 Reply
Peri Morgan 14 February 2009

The part i like most, and that i find most true: 'love is a prison, love is free' This one line alone describes exactly what i define to be love. Well done on a poem composed from the heart!

14 7 Reply
Chinedu Dike 08 July 2021

An insightful work of art written with conviction...

1 0 Reply
Mahtab Bangalee 28 July 2020

love is love a draft of life a graph of life surfing struggle of luscious kiss thorns on the waist of flowers sleepless happiness of moonlight sleepless night to greet golden sun to make drink honey the thirsty soul to burn all desires in the scorching summer to allow the death on the winter path of biting cold love is love cannot live long without inner death

4 0 Reply
Mahtab Bangalee 28 July 2020

Love is you and love is me Love is prison and love is free Love's what's there when you are away from me Love is.........great poem on love

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Michael Jack 28 July 2020

Contrast put together for love seems confused in love

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Dr Antony Theodore 28 July 2020

Love is pink nightdresses still slightly warm Love is when you have to leave at dawn Love is.. good expressions.

1 0 Reply
Adrian Henri

Adrian Henri

Birkenhead, Cheshire
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