Love Poem by Sheikh Hina Yasmeen


Rating: 2.8

I am so in love
In love with Joy
In love with happiness
In love with anger
In love with frustration
In love with Tears
In love with Me.

I love love
love is fruitful
Love is Kind
Love is Motivating
Love is Comforting
Love is love

I hate Love
Love is painful
Love is heartbreaking
Love is deadly
Love is poisonous
Love is Evil

Hey stop it
Love is like what
I don't know
All I know is Love is Love
so say all you want
But I know Love is
and I love love
I love me & you

Josephine Dunn 23 July 2009

I liked reading this :) Some one once accused me of 'being in love with Love' - I took it as a compliment - I think perhaps you are also in love with love - so please take that as a compliment as well :)

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Marcella D 20 July 2009

thats how love is, nice poem

5 1 Reply
Mel Atie 22 June 2009

Hei! I like this poem...

5 1 Reply
Xjaen Yjeo 26 May 2009

hi! i copy your poem and send to some fiends.thanks and more power...

4 2 Reply
Lord Giygas 19 May 2009

I like how you did this. I can tell you spoke from the heart and soul.

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Akhil Majji 24 September 2023

good one

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This poem is listed on top of the Best Love Poems on PoemHunter. Congratulations, dear poet

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Primrose Tee 05 May 2014

i dont know what love is...only that i love you

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Johana Solorzano 29 September 2011

That's wonderful I love it

2 1 Reply
Adam Tanbouz 29 October 2009

im a muslim to and u are cool in a good way

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