Love Is Poem by Daniel Chapman

Love Is

Rating: 4.0

What is love, Love can't see you but you can't see it
Love is a sneaky thing I guess sort of slick

Love can hurt and Love can heal
Love can be born and Love can kill

Love has won and Love has lost
Love can catch and Love can toss

Love can stand and Love can fall
Love is small and Love is tall

Love is right and Love is wrong
Love is weak but Love is strong

Love is up and Love is down
Love can smile and Love can frown

Love is good and Love can be bad
Love is quite and Love can brag

Love is a little and Love is a lot
Love contiues and Love stops

Love can hope and Love can dream
Love can talk and Love can sing

Love can be a word or Love can be a ring
Love can be nothing or Love can be everything

So where is this thing we call Love
I dont know the only real love we have comes from above...

Love Is
Kyleia P. 07 June 2009


5 0 Reply
Jovahna Davis 28 May 2009

I kuv your poem keep up the good work touch my heart because im in LOVE

3 1 Reply
Christal Simmons 05 March 2010

very interesting poem, i like it

4 0 Reply
Jamey Davidson 15 April 2009

i liked this poem, simple and very well described. check out my love poem and tell me what you think.

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Justas Iam 12 May 2009

love this! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! thats so true, only real love is love from above... God Bless ya for the awesome poem

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Alejandra Olivas 21 December 2018

Hi Daniel, I loved your poem :)

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Elizabeth Padillo Olesen 12 February 2015

I do agree with you, dear Daniel. Love has many faces and many functions, can be described in many ways but at the end of your verses you affirm that real love comes only from above. For me the life of Jesus defines what is real love. Thank you so much for posting this.

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Primrose Tee 05 May 2014

love can heal love can hurt

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Chuy Amante 06 March 2014

So bad love is good love? Sounds great! nice writing

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Har Srishty 02 February 2014

Defination of love: the usage of opposite i.e. Good or bad makes poem interesting an lively. Nice enough to add to my favorite poems

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